British-Oceanographic-Data-Centre / COAsT

A Coastal Ocean Assessment Tool built as an extendable python framework for nemo models
MIT License
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Remote access to dataset. E.g. loading copernicus data remot #448

Open thogar-computer opened 2 years ago

thogar-computer commented 2 years ago

Remote access to dataset. E.g. loading Copernicus data remotely we have 3 examples of data access

BODC is to look over the examples and review them to see which would fit within COAST, given coding styles and long term stability

added question xarray lazy loads data - how does that work over streaming data

AC a report (wiki) on what option might be the best, share any scripts with team.

thogar-computer commented 2 years ago

a possible example of this by tom prime - might be useful to look at these

thogar-computer commented 2 years ago

@MCazaly to add link to python lib that might do this work

thogar-computer commented 2 years ago

@katavouta share example of code

katavouta commented 2 years ago

Sent example by email to @thogar-computer

My example is for downloading a subset of data from copernicus using MOTU client. (I do not have an example or know how to load copernicus data remotely).

thogar-computer commented 2 years ago

@anwiseNOCL and @thogar-computer to test from a Mac and windows view point

MCazaly commented 2 years ago

An account here is needed for the test:

This is the module with the test I want non-Linux people to run:

thogar-computer commented 2 years ago

@MCazaly my tests seem to have passed - results included below

(COAsT-555f520eb3eba64a9c11ffa5503d7cc05f6629c5) C:\work\code\COAsT-555f520eb3eba64a9c11ffa5503d7cc05f6629c5\COAsT-555f520eb3eba64a9c11ffa5503d7cc05f6629c5>pytest tests\ 
========================================================================================== test session starts ==========================================================================================
platform win32 -- Python 3.8.13, pytest-7.1.1, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: C:\work\code\COAsT-555f520eb3eba64a9c11ffa5503d7cc05f6629c5\COAsT-555f520eb3eba64a9c11ffa5503d7cc05f6629c5
plugins: mock-3.7.0
collected 1 item

tests\ .                                                                                                                                                             [100%]

=========================================================================================== warnings summary ============================================================================================ 
  C:\work\Miniconda3\envs\COAsT-555f520eb3eba64a9c11ffa5503d7cc05f6629c5\lib\site-packages\pydap\ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collect' is deprecated since Python 3.3, and in 3.10 it will stop working
    from collections import OrderedDict, Mapping

  C:\work\Miniconda3\envs\COAsT-555f520eb3eba64a9c11ffa5503d7cc05f6629c5\lib\site-packages\pydap\responses\ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3, and in 3.10 it will stop working
    from collections import Iterable

  C:\work\Miniconda3\envs\COAsT-555f520eb3eba64a9c11ffa5503d7cc05f6629c5\lib\site-packages\pydap\handlers\ DeprecationWarning: The binary mode of fromstring is deprecated, as it behaves surpr
isingly on unicode inputs. Use frombuffer instead
    n = np.fromstring(, DAP2_ARRAY_LENGTH_NUMPY_TYPE)[0]

  C:\work\Miniconda3\envs\COAsT-555f520eb3eba64a9c11ffa5503d7cc05f6629c5\lib\site-packages\pydap\handlers\ DeprecationWarning: The binary mode of fromstring is deprecated, as it behaves surpr
isingly on unicode inputs. Use frombuffer instead

  C:\work\code\COAsT-555f520eb3eba64a9c11ffa5503d7cc05f6629c5\COAsT-555f520eb3eba64a9c11ffa5503d7cc05f6629c5\coast\_utils\ UserWarning: C:\work\code\COAsT-555f520eb3eba64a9c11ffa5503d
7cc05f6629c5\COAsT-555f520eb3eba64a9c11ffa5503d7cc05f6629c5\coast\data\ No NEMO domain specified, only limited functionality will be available
    return warnings.warn(add_info(msg), *args, **kwargs)

-- Docs:
thogar-computer commented 2 years ago

do we need to look into the two 3.10 warnings above?

MCazaly commented 2 years ago

They're from Pydap so largely out of our control... It means COAsT won't be able to go to 3.10 until that's resolved.

thogar-computer commented 2 years ago

@thogar-computer @MCazaly look into best way to set max version of python to top getting to 3.10 by mistake

MCazaly commented 2 years ago

@thogar-computer @MCazaly look into best way to set max version of python to top getting to 3.10 by mistake

See this commit.

MCazaly commented 2 years ago

This has now been merged into develop.