BritishMachineVisionAssociation / BMVCTemplate

Paper template and author instructions for BMVC
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Problem with subcaption and subfigure packages. #26

Open egundogdu opened 2 years ago

egundogdu commented 2 years ago

I just tried to use the package using subcaption and/or subfigure packages. I got multiple errors although the tex file was working properly in other latex templates e.g., ECCV, CVPR. Any thoughts?

ChenhongyiYang commented 1 year ago

Changing Line 142 in bmvc2k.cls to \RequirePackage{graphicx, subcaption} solves the problem.

shanshuo commented 1 year ago

Also change Line 620 to \setlength\abovecaptionskip{0pt} according to here.