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C# - NO_OCS_CONNECTION - Wallboard #1

Open EddieDemon opened 7 years ago

EddieDemon commented 7 years ago


I'm an end-user and my Broadsoft host doesn't do technical support for the ASP.

I am currently working on a wallboard, I often end up with a NO_OCS_CONNECTION error, I'm polling the server every 10 seconds using the same Session ID in the request and JSESSIONID as a cookie. The error doesn't occur after X minutes, or even seconds. It's random. I could try to change and refresh the session IDs but I'd like to make sure this wouldn't be a problem.

Regards, Eddie

joncodo commented 7 years ago

Which Api are you using? What are you trying to build?

EddieDemon commented 7 years ago

Hi @joncodo,

I'm building a simple web-based wallboarding application. I poll the server (OCI from an administrator account) every 10 seconds.

I've currently bypassed the issue by logging in again. Which, clearly isn't a fix.

joncodo commented 7 years ago

I'm sorry that this is not working for you and would be happy to help. Can you email me a meeting request at I would be happy to jump on a call with you.

Currently, I don't fully understand your problem

EddieDemon commented 7 years ago

I'll get to you tomorrow. Thanks for your time so far.

EddieDemon commented 7 years ago

Hi @joncodo I'm still awaiting your reply on my two emails.

joncodo commented 7 years ago

Happy to help you in any way I can. I thin you previously said “I will get with you tomorrow”. After that, this got pushed out for me. 

If you can better detail out your question, maybe I can direct you to the right person. I am not a master of OCI at all. If you would like to do a call, please send me a meeting invite to this email

Thanks! -


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