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Obbaa-vomci don't know how to handle MT 16 from ONU. Message discarded. #14

Closed Bai-genew closed 2 years ago

Bai-genew commented 3 years ago

Hi! step: 1./opt/bcm68620/ -debug 2./opt/bcm68620/netconf_server/ -d -tr451_polt -log debug 3./opt/bcm68620/example_user_appl

  1. /a/o object=device sub=connect device_id=0 system_mode=xgs__16_x inni_config={mux=none mode=all_10_g_xfi}

Some key configurations :

                  <bbf-olt-vomci:type xmlns:bbf-nf-types="urn:bbf:yang:bbf-network-function-types">bbf-nf-types:vomci-proxy-type</bbf-olt-vomci:type>
                        < bbf-olt-vomci:remote-port>8433</bbf-olt-vomci:remote-port>
true vomci-vendor-1 vomci-vendor-1 proxy-1 OLT4 vOMCI-proxy vomci-vendor-1 vOMCi-grpc-1 proxy-1 proxy-grpc-1 proxy-OLT proxy-1 proxy-grpc-2 OLT4 OLT4

(obbaa) Logs : obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:A message was received obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:> Incoming Message Handled vomci1-request:2:3: key= b'2021-09-13T12:15:52.141' value= b'\n.\n\x0217\x12\x06vOLTMF\x1a\x0evomci-vendor-1 \x01\x0evomci-vendor-1\x127\n523\n1{"bbf-vomci-function:create-onu":{"name":"ONU4"}}' obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:>> Consumed Topic: vomci1-request, partition 2, offset: 3, key b'2021-09-13T12:15:52.141', value b'\n.\n\x0217\x12\x06vOLTMF\x1a\x0evomci-vendor-1 \x01\x0evomci-vendor-1\x127\n523\n1{"bbf-vomci-function:create-onu":{"name":"ONU4"}}', timestamp 1631535352141 obbaa-vomci | DEBUG:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Parsed protobuf message is: header { obbaa-vomci | msg_id: "17" obbaa-vomci | sender_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vomci | recipient_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | object_type: VOMCI_FUNCTION obbaa-vomci | object_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | body { obbaa-vomci | request { obbaa-vomci | rpc { obbaa-vomci | input_data: "{\"bbf-vomci-function:create-onu\":{\"name\":\"ONU4\"}}" obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted Header of the protobuf msg: msg_id: "17" obbaa-vomci | sender_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vomci | recipient_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | object_type: VOMCI_FUNCTION obbaa-vomci | object_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted Body of the protobuf msg: request { obbaa-vomci | rpc { obbaa-vomci | input_data: "{\"bbf-vomci-function:create-onu\":{\"name\":\"ONU4\"}}" obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Json dict of yang data:{'bbf-vomci-function:create-onu': {'name': 'ONU4'}} obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted onu data:{'name': 'ONU4'} obbaa-vomci | INFO:vomci:Onu ONU4 was created in vOMCi obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:sending the SUCCESS protobuf response to VOLTMF:header { obbaa-vomci | msg_id: "17" obbaa-vomci | sender_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | recipient_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vomci | object_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | body { obbaa-vomci | response { obbaa-vomci | rpc_resp { obbaa-vomci | status_resp { obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:A message was received obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:> Incoming Message Handled vomci-proxy-request:1:4: key= b'2021-09-13T12:15:52.202' value= b'\n \n\x0218\x12\x06vOLTMF\x1a\x07proxy-1 \x02\x07proxy-1\x124\n220\n.{"bbf-vomci-proxy:create-onu":{"name":"ONU4"}}' obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:>> Consumed Topic: vomci-proxy-request, partition 1, offset: 4, key b'2021-09-13T12:15:52.202', value b'\n \n\x0218\x12\x06vOLTMF\x1a\x07proxy-1 \x02\x07proxy-1\x124\n220\n.{"bbf-vomci-proxy:create-onu":{"name":"ONU4"}}', timestamp 1631535352202 obbaa-vproxy | DEBUG:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Parsed protobuf message is: header { obbaa-vproxy | msg_id: "18" obbaa-vproxy | sender_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vproxy | recipient_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | object_type: VOMCI_PROXY obbaa-vproxy | object_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | body { obbaa-vproxy | request { obbaa-vproxy | rpc { obbaa-vproxy | input_data: "{\"bbf-vomci-proxy:create-onu\":{\"name\":\"ONU4\"}}" obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted Header of the protobuf msg: msg_id: "18" obbaa-vproxy | sender_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vproxy | recipient_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | object_type: VOMCI_PROXY obbaa-vproxy | object_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted Body of the protobuf msg: request { obbaa-vproxy | rpc { obbaa-vproxy | input_data: "{\"bbf-vomci-proxy:create-onu\":{\"name\":\"ONU4\"}}" obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Json dict of yang data:{'bbf-vomci-proxy:create-onu': {'name': 'ONU4'}} obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted onu data:{'name': 'ONU4'} obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:sending the SUCCESS protobuf response to VOLTMF:header { obbaa-vproxy | msg_id: "18" obbaa-vproxy | sender_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | recipient_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vproxy | object_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | body { obbaa-vproxy | response { obbaa-vproxy | rpc_resp { obbaa-vproxy | status_resp { obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:A message was received obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:> Incoming Message Handled vomci1-request:1:2: key= b'2021-09-13T12:16:15.205' value= b'\n.\n\x0219\x12\x06vOLTMF\x1a\x0evomci-vendor-1 \x01\x0evomci-vendor-1\x12\xbc\x02\n\xb9\x02:\xb6\x02\n\xb3\x02{"bbf-vomci-function:managed-onus":{"managed-onu":[{"name":"ONU4","set-onu-communication":{"onu-attachment-point":{"olt-name":"OLT4","channel-termination-name":"CT_2","onu-id":1},"voltmf-remote-endpoint-name":"vOLTMF_Kafka_1","onu-communication-available":true,"olt-remote-endpoint-name":"proxy-grpc-1"}}]}}' obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:>> Consumed Topic: vomci1-request, partition 1, offset: 2, key b'2021-09-13T12:16:15.205', value b'\n.\n\x0219\x12\x06vOLTMF\x1a\x0evomci-vendor-1 \x01\x0evomci-vendor-1\x12\xbc\x02\n\xb9\x02:\xb6\x02\n\xb3\x02{"bbf-vomci-function:managed-onus":{"managed-onu":[{"name":"ONU4","set-onu-communication":{"onu-attachment-point":{"olt-name":"OLT4","channel-termination-name":"CT_2","onu-id":1},"voltmf-remote-endpoint-name":"vOLTMF_Kafka_1","onu-communication-available":true,"olt-remote-endpoint-name":"proxy-grpc-1"}}]}}', timestamp 1631535375205 obbaa-vomci | DEBUG:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Parsed protobuf message is: header { obbaa-vomci | msg_id: "19" obbaa-vomci | sender_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vomci | recipient_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | object_type: VOMCI_FUNCTION obbaa-vomci | object_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | body { obbaa-vomci | request { obbaa-vomci | action { obbaa-vomci | input_data: "{\"bbf-vomci-function:managed-onus\":{\"managed-onu\":[{\"name\":\"ONU4\",\"set-onu-communication\":{\"onu-attachment-point\":{\"olt-name\":\"OLT4\",\"channel-termination-name\":\"CT_2\",\"onu-id\":1},\"voltmf-remote-endpoint-name\":\"vOLTMF_Kafka_1\",\"onu-communication-available\":true,\"olt-remote-endpoint-name\":\"proxy-grpc-1\"}}]}}" obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted Header of the protobuf msg: msg_id: "19" obbaa-vomci | sender_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vomci | recipient_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | object_type: VOMCI_FUNCTION obbaa-vomci | object_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted Body of the protobuf msg: request { obbaa-vomci | action { obbaa-vomci | input_data: "{\"bbf-vomci-function:managed-onus\":{\"managed-onu\":[{\"name\":\"ONU4\",\"set-onu-communication\":{\"onu-attachment-point\":{\"olt-name\":\"OLT4\",\"channel-termination-name\":\"CT_2\",\"onu-id\":1},\"voltmf-remote-endpoint-name\":\"vOLTMF_Kafka_1\",\"onu-communication-available\":true,\"olt-remote-endpoint-name\":\"proxy-grpc-1\"}}]}}" obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Json dict of received yang data:{'bbf-vomci-function:managed-onus': {'managed-onu': [{'name': 'ONU4', 'set-onu-communication': {'onu-attachment-point': {'olt-name': 'OLT4', 'channel-termination-name': 'CT_2', 'onu-id': 1}, 'voltmf-remote-endpoint-name': 'vOLTMF_Kafka_1', 'onu-communication-available': True, 'olt-remote-endpoint-name': 'proxy-grpc-1'}}]}} obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted onu data:{'managed-onu': [{'name': 'ONU4', 'set-onu-communication': {'onu-attachment-point': {'olt-name': 'OLT4', 'channel-termination-name': 'CT_2', 'onu-id': 1}, 'voltmf-remote-endpoint-name': 'vOLTMF_Kafka_1', 'onu-communication-available': True, 'olt-remote-endpoint-name': 'proxy-grpc-1'}}]} obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Triggering set_onu_communication for onu_id:1 olt-name:OLT4 olt_endpoint_name:proxy-grpc-1 south_endpoint_name:vOLTMF_Kafka_1 obbaa-vomci | INFO:omcc.grpc.grpc_server:vOMCI vOMCi-grpc-1 is connected to pOLT ('OLT4', 'proxy-grpc-1') obbaa-vomci | INFO:omcc.grpc.grpc_server:Managed ONU ONU4:('CT_2', 1) was added to pOLT ('OLT4', 'proxy-grpc-1') obbaa-vomci | INFO:vomci:ONU MIB sync: ONU CT_2.1 at OLT OLT4. remote_endpoint_name:proxy-grpc-1 obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:sending the SUCCESS protobuf response to VOLTMF:header { obbaa-vomci | msg_id: "19" obbaa-vomci | sender_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | recipient_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vomci | object_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | body { obbaa-vomci | response { obbaa-vomci | action_resp { obbaa-vomci | status_resp { obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:A message was received obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:> Incoming Message Handled vomci-proxy-request:2:1: key= b'2021-09-13T12:16:15.536' value= b'\n \n\x0220\x12\x06vOLTMF\x1a\x07proxy-1 \x02\x07proxy-1\x12\xb3\x02\n\xb0\x02:\xad\x02\n\xaa\x02{"bbf-vomci-proxy:managed-onus":{"managed-onu":[{"name":"ONU4","set-onu-communication":{"onu-attachment-point":{"olt-name":"OLT4","channel-termination-name":"CT_2","onu-id":1},"onu-communication-available":true,"vomci-func-remote-endpoint-name":"vOMCi-grpc-1","olt-remote-endpoint-name":"OLT4"}}]}}' obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:>> Consumed Topic: vomci-proxy-request, partition 2, offset: 1, key b'2021-09-13T12:16:15.536', value b'\n \n\x0220\x12\x06vOLTMF\x1a\x07proxy-1 \x02\x07proxy-1\x12\xb3\x02\n\xb0\x02:\xad\x02\n\xaa\x02{"bbf-vomci-proxy:managed-onus":{"managed-onu":[{"name":"ONU4","set-onu-communication":{"onu-attachment-point":{"olt-name":"OLT4","channel-termination-name":"CT_2","onu-id":1},"onu-communication-available":true,"vomci-func-remote-endpoint-name":"vOMCi-grpc-1","olt-remote-endpoint-name":"OLT4"}}]}}', timestamp 1631535375536 obbaa-vproxy | DEBUG:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Parsed protobuf message is: header { obbaa-vproxy | msg_id: "20" obbaa-vproxy | sender_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vproxy | recipient_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | object_type: VOMCI_PROXY obbaa-vproxy | object_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | body { obbaa-vproxy | request { obbaa-vproxy | action { obbaa-vproxy | input_data: "{\"bbf-vomci-proxy:managed-onus\":{\"managed-onu\":[{\"name\":\"ONU4\",\"set-onu-communication\":{\"onu-attachment-point\":{\"olt-name\":\"OLT4\",\"channel-termination-name\":\"CT_2\",\"onu-id\":1},\"onu-communication-available\":true,\"vomci-func-remote-endpoint-name\":\"vOMCi-grpc-1\",\"olt-remote-endpoint-name\":\"OLT4\"}}]}}" obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted Header of the protobuf msg: msg_id: "20" obbaa-vproxy | sender_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vproxy | recipient_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | object_type: VOMCI_PROXY obbaa-vproxy | object_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted Body of the protobuf msg: request { obbaa-vproxy | action { obbaa-vproxy | input_data: "{\"bbf-vomci-proxy:managed-onus\":{\"managed-onu\":[{\"name\":\"ONU4\",\"set-onu-communication\":{\"onu-attachment-point\":{\"olt-name\":\"OLT4\",\"channel-termination-name\":\"CT_2\",\"onu-id\":1},\"onu-communication-available\":true,\"vomci-func-remote-endpoint-name\":\"vOMCi-grpc-1\",\"olt-remote-endpoint-name\":\"OLT4\"}}]}}" obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Json dict of received yang data:{'bbf-vomci-proxy:managed-onus': {'managed-onu': [{'name': 'ONU4', 'set-onu-communication': {'onu-attachment-point': {'olt-name': 'OLT4', 'channel-termination-name': 'CT_2', 'onu-id': 1}, 'onu-communication-available': True, 'vomci-func-remote-endpoint-name': 'vOMCi-grpc-1', 'olt-remote-endpoint-name': 'OLT4'}}]}} obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted onu data:{'managed-onu': [{'name': 'ONU4', 'set-onu-communication': {'onu-attachment-point': {'olt-name': 'OLT4', 'channel-termination-name': 'CT_2', 'onu-id': 1}, 'onu-communication-available': True, 'vomci-func-remote-endpoint-name': 'vOMCi-grpc-1', 'olt-remote-endpoint-name': 'OLT4'}}]} obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Triggering set_onu_communication for onu_id:1 olt-name:OLT4 olt_endpoint_name:OLT4 south_endpoint_name:vOMCi-grpc-1 obbaa-vproxy | INFO:omcc.grpc.grpc_client:vOMCI proxy-grpc-1 is connected to pOLT ('OLT4', 'vOMCi-grpc-1') obbaa-vomci | INFO:omh_nbi.omh_handler:Starting OMH handler 'mib_sync_onu' for ONU '('CT_2', 1)' obbaa-vproxy | INFO:omcc.grpc.grpc_client:Managed ONU ONU4:('CT_2', 1) was added to pOLT ('OLT4', 'vOMCi-grpc-1') obbaa-vproxy | INFO:omcc.grpc.grpc_server:vOMCI proxy-grpc-2 is connected to pOLT ('OLT4', 'OLT4') obbaa-vproxy | INFO:omcc.grpc.grpc_server:Managed ONU ONU4:('CT_2', 1) was added to pOLT ('OLT4', 'OLT4') obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:sending the SUCCESS protobuf response to VOLTMF:header { obbaa-vproxy | msg_id: "20" obbaa-vproxy | sender_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | recipient_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vproxy | object_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | body { obbaa-vproxy | response { obbaa-vproxy | action_resp { obbaa-vproxy | status_resp { obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vomci | INFO:omh_nbi.handlers.onu_mib_sync:Starting MIB sync for ONU ('CT_2', 1) obbaa-vomci | INFO:omh_nbi.omh_handler:OMH handler 'mib_sync_onu' for ONU '('CT_2', 1)' finished with status OMHStatus.OK. Run time 0.064s. transactions:0 messages:0 retries:0 obbaa-vomci | DEBUG:vomci:Sending kafka alignment notification for ONU ONU4, request/event detect: status=OMHStatus.OK aligned=False obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy_channel_grpc_server:GrpcProxyServerChannel: Received message obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Received Message from Downstream:header { obbaa-vproxy | olt_name: "OLT4" obbaa-vproxy | chnl_term_name: "CT_2" obbaa-vproxy | onu_id: 1 obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | payload: "\000\000\020\n\000\013\001\001\200\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\t\000\000\000(" obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Message received b'\x00\x00\x10\n\x00\x0b\x01\x01\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00(' for OLT OLT4 obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Packet received from the OLT:OLT4 for ONU:('CT_2', 1) obbaa-vproxy | INFO:omcc.grpc.grpc_client:GrpcClient: Sending message b'\x00\x00\x10\n\x00\x0b\x01\x01\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x00\x00(' to OLT OLT4 obbaa-vomci | DEBUG:omcc.grpc.grpc_server:Sending message from proxy-grpc-1 to ONU <database.omci_olt.Olt object at 0x7efd9e7db490>.CT_2.1 obbaa-vomci | ERROR:omh_nbi.onu_driver:recv: Don't know how to handle MT 16 from ONU ('CT_2', 1). Message discarded.

Any help is very much appreciated.

fandy-genew commented 3 years ago

Dear @jswalls @selvaitech @johnblackford @wlupton

This issue has been holding us back for days. Do you have any suggestions about this? Help us please.

Thanks, Fandy

vcmahadevan commented 3 years ago

Dear @jswalls @selvaitech @johnblackford @wlupton

This issue has been holding us back for days. Do you have any suggestions about this? Help us please.

Thanks, Fandy

Hi Fandy, We are checking it. Will get back asap.

Thanks, Maha

licinio-miguel-pereira-alb commented 3 years ago

Hi, Messages sent by the ONU with Message Type = 16 are alarms generated by the ONU. (e.g. LOS of the Ethernet port is a typical alarm sent after port activation if the cable is not connected). vOMCI hasn't supported yet alarm processing, so these messages are being ignored and discarded by it. It should have no impact on the remaining capabilities of detect and configure ONUs.

Best Regards, LMP

Bai-genew commented 3 years ago

Hi, Messages sent by the ONU with Message Type = 16 are alarms generated by the ONU. (e.g. LOS of the Ethernet port is a typical alarm sent after port activation if the cable is not connected). vOMCI hasn't supported yet alarm processing, so these messages are being ignored and discarded by it. It should have no impact on the remaining capabilities of detect and configure ONUs.

Best Regards, LMP

Hi, Thanks for the quick reply. With the same configuration, there is a problem recurring. We don't know why this error occurred, but it feels that there is a problem with the configuration. Help us please.

(obbaa) Logs : obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:A message was received obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:> Incoming Message Handled vomci1-request:1:2: key= b'2021-09-14T12:43:23.839' value= b'\n.\n\x0221\x12\x06vOLTMF\x1a\x0evomci-vendor-1 \x01\x0evomci-vendor-1\x128\n624\n2{"bbf-vomci-function:create-onu":{"name":"ONU20"}}' obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:>> Consumed Topic: vomci1-request, partition 1, offset: 2, key b'2021-09-14T12:43:23.839', value b'\n.\n\x0221\x12\x06vOLTMF\x1a\x0evomci-vendor-1 \x01\x0evomci-vendor-1\x128\n624\n2{"bbf-vomci-function:create-onu":{"name":"ONU20"}}', timestamp 1631623403839 obbaa-vomci | DEBUG:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Parsed protobuf message is: header { obbaa-vomci | msg_id: "21" obbaa-vomci | sender_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vomci | recipient_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | object_type: VOMCI_FUNCTION obbaa-vomci | object_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | body { obbaa-vomci | request { obbaa-vomci | rpc { obbaa-vomci | input_data: "{\"bbf-vomci-function:create-onu\":{\"name\":\"ONU20\"}}" obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted Header of the protobuf msg: msg_id: "21" obbaa-vomci | sender_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vomci | recipient_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | object_type: VOMCI_FUNCTION obbaa-vomci | object_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted Body of the protobuf msg: request { obbaa-vomci | rpc { obbaa-vomci | input_data: "{\"bbf-vomci-function:create-onu\":{\"name\":\"ONU20\"}}" obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Json dict of yang data:{'bbf-vomci-function:create-onu': {'name': 'ONU20'}} obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted onu data:{'name': 'ONU20'} obbaa-vomci | INFO:vomci:Onu ONU20 was created in vOMCi obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:sending the SUCCESS protobuf response to VOLTMF:header { obbaa-vomci | msg_id: "21" obbaa-vomci | sender_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | recipient_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vomci | object_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | body { obbaa-vomci | response { obbaa-vomci | rpc_resp { obbaa-vomci | status_resp { obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:A message was received obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:> Incoming Message Handled vomci-proxy-request:1:4: key= b'2021-09-14T12:43:23.883' value= b'\n \n\x0222\x12\x06vOLTMF\x1a\x07proxy-1 \x02\x07proxy-1\x125\n321\n/{"bbf-vomci-proxy:create-onu":{"name":"ONU20"}}' obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:>> Consumed Topic: vomci-proxy-request, partition 1, offset: 4, key b'2021-09-14T12:43:23.883', value b'\n \n\x0222\x12\x06vOLTMF\x1a\x07proxy-1 \x02\x07proxy-1\x125\n321\n/{"bbf-vomci-proxy:create-onu":{"name":"ONU20"}}', timestamp 1631623403883 obbaa-vproxy | DEBUG:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Parsed protobuf message is: header { obbaa-vproxy | msg_id: "22" obbaa-vproxy | sender_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vproxy | recipient_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | object_type: VOMCI_PROXY obbaa-vproxy | object_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | body { obbaa-vproxy | request { obbaa-vproxy | rpc { obbaa-vproxy | input_data: "{\"bbf-vomci-proxy:create-onu\":{\"name\":\"ONU20\"}}" obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted Header of the protobuf msg: msg_id: "22" obbaa-vproxy | sender_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vproxy | recipient_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | object_type: VOMCI_PROXY obbaa-vproxy | object_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted Body of the protobuf msg: request { obbaa-vproxy | rpc { obbaa-vproxy | input_data: "{\"bbf-vomci-proxy:create-onu\":{\"name\":\"ONU20\"}}" obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Json dict of yang data:{'bbf-vomci-proxy:create-onu': {'name': 'ONU20'}} obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Extracted onu data:{'name': 'ONU20'} obbaa-vproxy | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:sending the SUCCESS protobuf response to VOLTMF:header { obbaa-vproxy | msg_id: "22" obbaa-vproxy | sender_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | recipient_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vproxy | object_name: "proxy-1" obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | body { obbaa-vproxy | response { obbaa-vproxy | rpc_resp { obbaa-vproxy | status_resp { obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy_channel_grpc_server:GrpcProxyServerChannel: Received message obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Received Message from Downstream:header { obbaa-vproxy | olt_name: "OLT20" obbaa-vproxy | chnl_term_name: "CT_2" obbaa-vproxy | onu_id: 1 obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | payload: "\000\000\020\n\000\013\001\001\200\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\005\000\000\000(" obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Message received b'\x00\x00\x10\n\x00\x0b\x01\x01\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00(' for OLT False obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Packet received from the OLT:False for ONU:('CT_2', 1) obbaa-vproxy | ERROR:proxy.proxy:Connection for OLT False not found obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy_channel_grpc_server:GrpcProxyServerChannel: Received message obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Received Message from Downstream:header { obbaa-vproxy | olt_name: "OLT20" obbaa-vproxy | chnl_term_name: "CT_2" obbaa-vproxy | onu_id: 1 obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | payload: "\000\000\020\n\000\013\n\001\200\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\006\000\000\000(" obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Message received b'\x00\x00\x10\n\x00\x0b\n\x01\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00(' for OLT False obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Packet received from the OLT:False for ONU:('CT_2', 1) obbaa-vproxy | ERROR:proxy.proxy:Connection for OLT False not found

aristeidiskotsis commented 3 years ago

Hello Would it be possible to provide the full logs of vOMCI function and vOMCI proxy? We suspect that the real issue (we also suspect configuration) might be seen in the full logs.

In the meantime I will have a more dteailed logs on the currently provided logs and get back to you.

fandy-genew commented 3 years ago

obbaa(1).log Dear @aristeidiskotsis. Please refer to attached log file.

Thanks, Fandy

Bai-genew commented 3 years ago

Hello Would it be possible to provide the full logs of vOMCI function and vOMCI proxy? We suspect that the real issue (we also suspect configuration) might be seen in the full logs.

In the meantime I will have a more dteailed logs on the currently provided logs and get back to you.

Dear @aristeidiskotsis @fandy-genew provided log three days ago. Any progress ? Looking forward to your reply.

aristeidiskotsis commented 3 years ago

Hello Unfortunately it was not possible to check the logs earlier. Let me give my feedback on the provided symptoms.

  1. The symptoms on the first post (timestamp: b'2021-09-13T12:15:52.141') seem do not seem to have any issue.: ONUs are successfully created on VOMCI and vOMCI PROXY vOLTMF --> vOMCI (vomci-vendor-1) create-onu ONU4 vOLTMF --> VOMCI_PROXY (proxy-1) create-onu ONU4

set-onu-communication is normally received on VOMCI and vOMCI PROXY with remote-endpoints vOLTMF --> vOMCI (vomci-vendor-1) set-onu-communication ONU4 OLT4/ CT_2 /onu-id:1 "onu-communication-available":true "voltmf-remote-endpoint-name': 'vOLTMF_Kafka_1 "olt-remote-endpoint-name":"proxy-grpc-1"

vOLTMF --> vOMCI (vomci-vendor-1) set-onu-communication ONU4 OLT4/ CT_2 /onu-id:1 "onu-communication-available":true "vomci-func-remote-endpoint-name":"vOMCi-grpc-1" "olt-remote-endpoint-name":"OLT4"

Note: Here on olt-remote-endpoind-name I would expect something like: "olt-remote-endpoint-name": "olt-grpc:1" to indicate that it is a grpc remot endpoind-name but OLT4 can be a valid name

After that (As @LicinioMPereira mentions) an alarm is received but it is discarded as alarm support has not yet been implemented. This is the error log in the bottom of the symptoms.

It seems that everything has gone ok until this point. The only thing that is missing is that voltmf should trigger copy config. Has ONU configuration been sent? Has ONU been configured before or after it was connected?

  1. The second logs (in the fifth post ) more are missing:

ONUs are successfully created on VOMCI and vOMCI PROXY vOLTMF --> vOMCI (vomci-vendor-1) create-onu ONU20 vOLTMF --> VOMCI_PROXY (proxy-1) create-onu ONU20

but set-onu-communication messages are never received by the vOMCI and vOMCI Proxy neither is ONU configuration.

Here we can see that an OMCI message from an ONU is received by an unknown OLT so it is discarded.

  1. I will have to check more closely tomorrow but it seems to me that the OMCI messages received are of extended OMCI message format. Extended OMCI messages are not currently supported by OBBAA vOMCI .

  2. A final note. The attached file (obbaa.1.log) looks like it is the configuration sent towards OBBAA, In order to get vOMCI and vOMCI Proxy logs you can run docker logs on the vOMCI and vOMCI proxy containers. However based on the received symptoms there doesnt seem a problem on vOMCI and vOMCI proxy. The issues that I observe are a) that there is no ONU configuration received by vOMCI and that b) discarding the OMCI alarm is marked as an ERROR (it should be a warning or DEBUG) in the logs .

Bai-genew commented 3 years ago

Hello Unfortunately it was not possible to check the logs earlier. Let me give my feedback on the provided symptoms.

  1. The symptoms on the first post (timestamp: b'2021-09-13T12:15:52.141') seem do not seem to have any issue.: ONUs are successfully created on VOMCI and vOMCI PROXY vOLTMF --> vOMCI (vomci-vendor-1) create-onu ONU4 vOLTMF --> VOMCI_PROXY (proxy-1) create-onu ONU4

set-onu-communication is normally received on VOMCI and vOMCI PROXY with remote-endpoints vOLTMF --> vOMCI (vomci-vendor-1) set-onu-communication ONU4 OLT4/ CT_2 /onu-id:1 "onu-communication-available":true "voltmf-remote-endpoint-name': 'vOLTMF_Kafka_1 "olt-remote-endpoint-name":"proxy-grpc-1"

vOLTMF --> vOMCI (vomci-vendor-1) set-onu-communication ONU4 OLT4/ CT_2 /onu-id:1 "onu-communication-available":true "vomci-func-remote-endpoint-name":"vOMCi-grpc-1" "olt-remote-endpoint-name":"OLT4"

Note: Here on olt-remote-endpoind-name I would expect something like: "olt-remote-endpoint-name": "olt-grpc:1" to indicate that it is a grpc remot endpoind-name but OLT4 can be a valid name

After that (As @LicinioMPereira mentions) an alarm is received but it is discarded as alarm support has not yet been implemented. This is the error log in the bottom of the symptoms.

It seems that everything has gone ok until this point. The only thing that is missing is that voltmf should trigger copy config. Has ONU configuration been sent? Has ONU been configured before or after it was connected?

  1. The second logs (in the fifth post ) more are missing:

ONUs are successfully created on VOMCI and vOMCI PROXY vOLTMF --> vOMCI (vomci-vendor-1) create-onu ONU20 vOLTMF --> VOMCI_PROXY (proxy-1) create-onu ONU20

but set-onu-communication messages are never received by the vOMCI and vOMCI Proxy neither is ONU configuration.

Here we can see that an OMCI message from an ONU is received by an unknown OLT so it is discarded.

  1. I will have to check more closely tomorrow but it seems to me that the OMCI messages received are of extended OMCI message format. Extended OMCI messages are not currently supported by OBBAA vOMCI .
  2. A final note. The attached file (obbaa.1.log) looks like it is the configuration sent towards OBBAA, In order to get vOMCI and vOMCI Proxy logs you can run docker logs on the vOMCI and vOMCI proxy containers. However based on the received symptoms there doesnt seem a problem on vOMCI and vOMCI proxy. The issues that I observe are a) that there is no ONU configuration received by vOMCI and that b) discarding the OMCI alarm is marked as an ERROR (it should be a warning or DEBUG) in the logs .

Dear @aristeidiskotsis Please refer to attached configuration file. When we create onu, obbaa will continuously report that onu is not connected. The obbaa-vproxy log will report errors that OLT false not found. We don’t know why this error occurred, how do we solve it.

log: obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy_channel_grpc_server:GrpcProxyServerChannel: Received message obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Received Message from Downstream:header { obbaa-vproxy | olt_name: "olt-grpc-2" obbaa-vproxy | chnl_term_name: "CT_2" obbaa-vproxy | onu_id: 1 obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | payload: "\000\000\020\n\000\013\001\001\200\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\007\000\000\000(" obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Message received b'\x00\x00\x10\n\x00\x0b\x01\x01\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00(' for OLT False obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Packet received from the OLT:False for ONU:('CT_2', 1) obbaa-vproxy | ERROR:proxy.proxy:Connection for OLT False not found

baa log: 2021-09-16 08:28:48,517 | INFO | Timer-1 | etconfDeviceAlignmentServiceImpl | 211 - pma - 4.1.0 | Device ONU1 is not connected, force-align would be retried 2021-09-16 08:28:58,520 | INFO | Timer-1 | etconfDeviceAlignmentServiceImpl | 211 - pma - 4.1.0 | Device ONU1 is not connected, force-align would be retried

netconf log: [1666259: I NETCONF ] bcmolt_netconf_notifications.c 221| Sent 'bbf-xpon-onu-types:onu-present-and-on-intended-channel-termination' notification for ONU GPON20B00039 on CT_2

Bai-genew commented 3 years ago

Hello Unfortunately it was not possible to check the logs earlier. Let me give my feedback on the provided symptoms.

  1. The symptoms on the first post (timestamp: b'2021-09-13T12:15:52.141') seem do not seem to have any issue.: ONUs are successfully created on VOMCI and vOMCI PROXY vOLTMF --> vOMCI (vomci-vendor-1) create-onu ONU4 vOLTMF --> VOMCI_PROXY (proxy-1) create-onu ONU4

set-onu-communication is normally received on VOMCI and vOMCI PROXY with remote-endpoints vOLTMF --> vOMCI (vomci-vendor-1) set-onu-communication ONU4 OLT4/ CT_2 /onu-id:1 "onu-communication-available":true "voltmf-remote-endpoint-name': 'vOLTMF_Kafka_1 "olt-remote-endpoint-name":"proxy-grpc-1"

vOLTMF --> vOMCI (vomci-vendor-1) set-onu-communication ONU4 OLT4/ CT_2 /onu-id:1 "onu-communication-available":true "vomci-func-remote-endpoint-name":"vOMCi-grpc-1" "olt-remote-endpoint-name":"OLT4"

Note: Here on olt-remote-endpoind-name I would expect something like: "olt-remote-endpoint-name": "olt-grpc:1" to indicate that it is a grpc remot endpoind-name but OLT4 can be a valid name

After that (As @LicinioMPereira mentions) an alarm is received but it is discarded as alarm support has not yet been implemented. This is the error log in the bottom of the symptoms.

It seems that everything has gone ok until this point. The only thing that is missing is that voltmf should trigger copy config. Has ONU configuration been sent? Has ONU been configured before or after it was connected?

  1. The second logs (in the fifth post ) more are missing:

ONUs are successfully created on VOMCI and vOMCI PROXY vOLTMF --> vOMCI (vomci-vendor-1) create-onu ONU20 vOLTMF --> VOMCI_PROXY (proxy-1) create-onu ONU20

but set-onu-communication messages are never received by the vOMCI and vOMCI Proxy neither is ONU configuration.

Here we can see that an OMCI message from an ONU is received by an unknown OLT so it is discarded.

  1. I will have to check more closely tomorrow but it seems to me that the OMCI messages received are of extended OMCI message format. Extended OMCI messages are not currently supported by OBBAA vOMCI .
  2. A final note. The attached file (obbaa.1.log) looks like it is the configuration sent towards OBBAA, In order to get vOMCI and vOMCI Proxy logs you can run docker logs on the vOMCI and vOMCI proxy containers. However based on the received symptoms there doesnt seem a problem on vOMCI and vOMCI proxy. The issues that I observe are a) that there is no ONU configuration received by vOMCI and that b) discarding the OMCI alarm is marked as an ERROR (it should be a warning or DEBUG) in the logs .

Dear @aristeidiskotsis We updated the configuration file. Please refer to attached configuration file. We found that obbaa cleaning the cache can solve the problems encountered before. Now, after downloading the configuration file, sometimes it succeeds and sometimes new errors occur. The following is part of the error message. Looking forward to your reply. Step1: 3_networkFunctions.xml Step2: 1_createOLT_1.0.xml Step3: 2_grpc-settings_1.0.xml Step4: 2_infraOlt_1.0.xml Step5: 4_createOnt1_1.0.xml Step6: 4-1-Config-OLT.xml

kafka log: obbaa-vomci | DEBUG:omcc.grpc.grpc_server:Sending message from proxy-grpc-1 to ONU <database.omci_olt.Olt object at 0x7fbe343b02b0>.CT_2.1 obbaa-vomci | DEBUG:encode_decode.action:decode: (44)-00082e0a000200000101000007fc00102001002000000000007f330001000100000000000000000000000028 obbaa-vomci | WARNING:encode_decode.action:decode_attributes: error when decoding ONU2_G.connectivity_mode value b'3' obbaa-vomci | DEBUG:encode_decode.action_mib_upload_next:decode: 257(ONU2_G) obbaa-vomci | 0(me_inst)=0 obbaa-vomci | 6(total_priority_queue_number)=16 obbaa-vomci | 7(total_traf_sched_number)=32 obbaa-vomci | 8(deprecated0)=1 obbaa-vomci | 9(total_gem_port_number)=32 obbaa-vomci | 10(sys_up_time)=0 obbaa-vomci | 11(connectivity_capability)=127: FAILED obbaa-vomci | DEBUG:omcc.grpc.grpc_server:Sending message from ONU OLT1.CT_2.1 to proxy-grpc-1 obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy_channel_grpc_client:ProxyGrpcClient: Received message obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Received Message from Upstream:header { obbaa-vproxy | olt_name: "OLT1" obbaa-vproxy | chnl_term_name: "CT_2" obbaa-vproxy | onu_id: 1 obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | payload: "\000\010N\n\000\002\000\000\000\005\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Message received b'\x00\x08N\n\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' for OLT OLT1 obbaa-vproxy | DEBUG:omcc.grpc.grpc_server:Sending message from ONU OLT1.CT_2.1 to olt-grpc-2 obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy_channel_grpc_server:GrpcProxyServerChannel: Received message obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Received Message from Downstream:header { obbaa-vproxy | olt_name: "olt-grpc-2" obbaa-vproxy | chnl_term_name: "CT_2" obbaa-vproxy | onu_id: 1 obbaa-vproxy | } obbaa-vproxy | payload: "\000\010.\n\000\002\000\000\001\001\000\000\007\374\000\020 \001\000 \000\000\000\000\000\1773\000\001\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000(" obbaa-vproxy | obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Message received b'\x00\x08.\n\x00\x02\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x07\xfc\x00\x10 \x01\x00 \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x7f3\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00(' for OLT OLT1 obbaa-vproxy | INFO:proxy.proxy:Packet received from the OLT:OLT1 for ONU:('CT_2', 1) obbaa-vproxy | INFO:omcc.grpc.grpc_client:GrpcClient: Sending message b'\x00\x08.\n\x00\x02\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x07\xfc\x00\x10 \x01\x00 \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x7f3\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00(' to OLT OLT1 obbaa-vomci | DEBUG:omcc.grpc.grpc_server:Sending message from proxy-grpc-1 to ONU <database.omci_olt.Olt object at 0x7fbe343b02b0>.CT_2.1 obbaa-vomci | DEBUG:encode_decode.action:decode: (44)-00082e0a000200000101000007fc00102001002000000000007f330001000100000000000000000000000028 obbaa-vomci | WARNING:encode_decode.action:decode_attributes: error when decoding ONU2_G.connectivity_mode value b'3' obbaa-vomci | DEBUG:encode_decode.action_mib_upload_next:decode: 257(ONU2_G) obbaa-vomci | 0(me_inst)=0 obbaa-vomci | 6(total_priority_queue_number)=16 obbaa-vomci | 7(total_traf_sched_number)=32 obbaa-vomci | 8(deprecated0)=1 obbaa-vomci | 9(total_gem_port_number)=32 obbaa-vomci | 10(sys_up_time)=0 obbaa-vomci | 11(connectivity_capability)=127: FAILED obbaa-vomci | INFO:omh_nbi.omh_handler:OMH handler 'mib_upload' for ONU '('CT_2', 1)' finished with status OMHStatus.TIMEOUT. Run time 9.989s. transactions:7 messages:7 retries:2 MEs:2 obbaa-vomci | INFO:omh_nbi.omh_handler:OMH handler 'activate_onu' for ONU '('CT_2', 1)' finished with status OMHStatus.TIMEOUT. Run time 11.098s. transactions:8 messages:8 retries:2 obbaa-vomci | INFO:omh_nbi.omh_handler:OMH handler 'OmhNbiHandler' for ONU '('CT_2', 1)' finished with status OMHStatus.TIMEOUT. Run time 11.131s. transactions:8 messages:8 retries:2 obbaa-vomci | DEBUG:vomci:Sending kafka response for ONU ont1, request/event None: OMHStatus.TIMEOUT obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:Sending unsuccessful response. onu_name=ont1 gpb set error_msg='OMHStatus.TIMEOUT' obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:received request type :replace_config obbaa-vomci | INFO:nbi.kafka_proto_interface:GPB Processing failed,sending Unsuccessful response to VOLTMF:header { obbaa-vomci | msg_id: "2" obbaa-vomci | sender_name: "vomci-vendor-1" obbaa-vomci | recipient_name: "vOLTMF" obbaa-vomci | object_name: "ont1" obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | body { obbaa-vomci | response { obbaa-vomci | replace_config_resp { obbaa-vomci | status_resp { obbaa-vomci | status_code: ERROR_GENERAL obbaa-vomci | error { obbaa-vomci | error_type: "application" obbaa-vomci | error_severity: "error" obbaa-vomci | error_message: "OMHStatus.TIMEOUT" obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | } obbaa-vomci | obbaa-vomci | ERROR:vomci:Request failed for ONU ont1. Request/Event: None. Error OMHStatus.TIMEOUT

obbaa log: 2021-09-27 06:11:14,294 | INFO | pool-45-thread-3 | VOLTManagementImpl | 214 - voltmf - 4.1.0 | copy-config response is received for ONU device ont1 from vomci-vendor-1 Identifier (message-id): 2 Response Status: ERROR_GENERAL Failure Reason: Error Messages: -application:OMHStatus.TIMEOUT

2021-09-27 06:11:14,317 | INFO | Timer-1 | LoggingFuture | 212 - sbi-connectors - 4.1.0 | Got response for device Device{parentId='/container=network-manager/container=managed-devices', schemaPath='urn:bbf:yang:obbaa:network-manager,,network-manager,urn:bbf:yang:obbaa:network-manager,,managed-devices,urn:bbf:yang:obbaa:network-manager,,device,', deviceName='ont1'}, response

application operation-failed error copy-config Request Error upon receiving NOK Response Status received from VONUMgmt is due to the following Failure: Error Messages: -application:OMHStatus.TIMEOUT

2021-09-27 06:11:14,318 | ERROR | Timer-1 | etconfDeviceAlignmentServiceImpl | 211 - pma - 4.1.0 | Edit failure/timeout on device ont1, edit request

, response

application operation-failed error copy-config Request Error upon receiving NOK Response Status received from VONUMgmt is due to the following Failure: Error Messages: -application:OMHStatus.TIMEOUT

, remaining requests won't be sent to the device

Bai-genew commented 3 years ago

Dear @selvaitech, Now, after downloading the configuration file, sometimes it succeeds and sometimes new errors occur. The message reported by onu is wrong. ”WARNING:encode_decode.action:decode_attributes: error when decoding ONU2_G.connectivity_mode value b'3'“ Please refer to attached configuration file and log file.

kafka.log obbaa.log

Step1: 3_networkFunctions.xml Step2: 1_createOLT_1.0.xml Step3: 2_grpc-settings_1.0.xml Step4: 2_infraOlt_1.0.xml Step5: 4_createOnt1_1.0.xml Step6: 4-1-Config-OLT.xml


selvaitech commented 2 years ago

@Bai-genew, there were few issues(in BAA & vOMCI side) got fixed after releasing R4.1.0. Which will be published as a new release R4.1.1 during next week. In the mean time I have uploaded the new images with tag beta to the dockerHub. Request you to use those images for testing and see if you could reproduce the issue.

For using the beta images you should be updating the ob-baa_setup.yaml file with below changes:

broadbandforum/baa:latest to be updated as broadbandforum/baa:beta broadbandforum/obbaa-vomci:latest to be updated as broadbandforum/obbaa-vomci:beta broadbandforum/obbaa-vproxy:latest to be updated as broadbandforum/obbaa-vproxy:beta

ONU simulator also got an issue fixed in current ongoing develop branch(ONU Simulator was crashing earlier when we push some of the configurations towards ONT), I have uploaded the working ONU simulator image with tag beta(broadbandforum/obbaa-onu-simulator:beta). Kindly use the beta images for testing and let us know if the issue is reproducible.

selvaitech commented 2 years ago

@Bai-genew , Any updates on the issue?

Bai-genew commented 2 years ago

In the previous problem, we found that the current connection mode of ONU is wrong. The problem is solved by modifying the connection mode of ONU. Thanks for your help.

selvaitech commented 2 years ago

what was the connection mode used earlier? and now?

Bai-genew commented 2 years ago

The connection model used before is reserved. The connection model currently used is 1:MP map-filtering.

selvaitech commented 2 years ago

@Bai-genew, Can you please help to close the issue if its not seen anymore?