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How did you start your journey in coding? #3

Open muddlebee opened 6 years ago

muddlebee commented 6 years ago

Which was your first language

Brocco commented 6 years ago

I'm going to assume that you're not so interested when I was using a Commodore 64 growing up or moving a turtle around the screen drawing shapes via logo...

My first language of actual coding was in college when I took a Fortran class (I started as an engineering major) my sophomore year. It really clicked with me, both in the style it was taught and programming in general.

After that year I switched my major from engineering to computer science and started learning C++. Throughout the rest of college the main focus was C++ and then a little bit of Visual Basic.

My first job out of college I did a little bit of Visual Basic, but got my start in the web by doing ASP (now known as "Classic ASP") in VB Script. I then followed the Microsoft web track and started into ASP.Net with C#.

I know that doesn't answer up to where I am currently, but it's a picture into where where my life as a coder got started.