BrokenSource / DepthFlow

🌊 Image to → 2.5D Parallax Effect Video. High quality, user first. Free and Open Source Leiapix alternative
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
153 stars 11 forks source link

"Cannot identify image file io.BytesIO" running default options - is down #30

Closed noobtoob4lyfe closed 1 week ago

noobtoob4lyfe commented 1 week ago

image Any ideas?

Tremeschin commented 1 week ago is down, the website it's hard coded to get the default image from, try inputting your own manually with depthflow.exe input -i ./image.png main

noobtoob4lyfe commented 1 week ago

Thanks for your help. No luck yet.

"C:\Users\importon\Downloads>depthflow-cuda-windows-amd64-latest.exe input -i ./BandW.PNG main │DepthFlow ├┤ 202ms├┤INFO │ ▸ PyTorch Flavor (TorchFlavor.CUDA) already installed │DepthFlow ├┤ 719ms├┤INFO │ ▸ ( 1) DepthFlowScene │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 721ms├┤INFO │ ▸ ( 1) DepthFlowScene │ ▸ Creating glfw Window │DepthFlow ├┤ 969ms├┤INFO │ ▸ ( 1) DepthFlowScene │ ▸ Adding default base Scene modules │DepthFlow ├┤ 970ms├┤INFO │ ▸ ( 2) ShaderFrametimer │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 972ms├┤INFO │ ▸ ( 3) ShaderKeyboard │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 973ms├┤INFO │ ▸ ( 4) ShaderCamera │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 974ms├┤INFO │ ▸ ( 5) ShaderDynamics │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 974ms├┤INFO │ ▸ ( 6) ShaderDynamics │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 975ms├┤INFO │ ▸ ( 7) ShaderDynamics │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 976ms├┤INFO │ ▸ ( 8) ShaderDynamics │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 977ms├┤INFO │ ▸ ( 9) ShaderDynamics │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 978ms├┤INFO │ ▸ (10) ShaderDynamics │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 978ms├┤INFO │ ▸ (11) ShaderDynamics │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 980ms├┤INFO │ ▸ (12) ShaderDynamics │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 981ms├┤INFO │ ▸ ( 1) DepthFlowScene │ ▸ Creating SSAA Implementation │DepthFlow ├┤ 982ms├┤INFO │ ▸ (13) ShaderObject │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 983ms├┤INFO │ ▸ (14) ShaderTexture │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 988ms├┤INFO │ ▸ (15) ShaderObject │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 989ms├┤INFO │ ▸ (16) ShaderTexture │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤ 999ms├┤INFO │ ▸ (17) ShaderTexture │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤1002ms├┤INFO │ ▸ (18) ShaderTexture │ ▸ Module added to the Scene │DepthFlow ├┤1346ms├┤INFO │ ▸ Creating directory: C:\Users\importon\AppData\Local\BrokenSource\DepthFlow\Cache │DepthFlow ├┤1386ms├┤INFO │ ▸ DepthMap will be cached on (C:\Users\importon\AppData\Local\BrokenSource\DepthFlow\Cache\30586672-f5ec-b2b8-3892-ad20062552a4.depth.png) preprocessor_config.json: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 437/437 [00:00<?, ?B/s] config.json: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 957/957 [00:00<?, ?B/s] model.safetensors: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 390M/390M [00:07<00:00, 51.9MB/s] │DepthFlow ├┤26480ms├┤SUCCESS│ ▸ Saving depth map to cache path (C:\Users\importon\AppData\Local\BrokenSource\DepthFlow\Cache\30586672-f5ec-b2b8-3892-ad20062552a4.depth.png) │DepthFlow ├┤26632ms├┤SUCCESS│ ▸ Already upscaled to target size (0, 0): <PIL.Image.Image image mode=L size=770x518 at 0x266CCC8B150> │DepthFlow ├┤26633ms├┤SUCCESS│ ▸ Already upscaled to target size (0, 0): <PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=RGBA size=2780x1856 at 0x266A57D0F50>


10 main ...rton\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\> depthflow.cli(sys.argv[1:])

574 cli ...porton\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\ShaderFlow\> self.broken_typer(args)

111 call ...ta\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\Broken\Core\> raise error

105 call ...ta\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\Broken\Core\>

326 call ...mporton\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\typer\> raise e

309 call ...mporton\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\typer\> return get_command(self)(*args, **kwargs)

1157 call ...porton\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\click\> return self.main(*args, **kwargs)

723 main\importon\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\typer\> return _main(

193 _main ...s\importon\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\typer\> rv = self.invoke(ctx)

1719 invoke ...importon\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\click\> rv.append(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))

1434 invoke ...importon\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\click\> return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)

783 invoke ...\importon\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\click\> return __callback(*args, **kwargs)

692 wrapper ...importon\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\typer\> return callback(**use_params)

722 main ...orton\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\ShaderFlow\> video_resolution = self.resize(width=width, height=height, scale=scale, aspect_ratio=aspect)

477 resize ...ton\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\ShaderFlow\> self.window.size = self.resolution

145 size ...\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\moderngl_window\context\glfw\> glfw.set_window_size(self._window, value[0], value[1])

1382 set_window_size ...Data\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\> _glfw.glfwSetWindowSize(window, width, height)

689 errcheck ...rton\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\> _reraise(exc[1], exc[2])

70 _reraise ...orton\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\> raise exception.with_traceback(traceback)

668 callback_wrapper ...Data\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\> return func(*args, **kwargs)

374 glfw_window_resize_callback ...ce\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\moderngl_window\context\glfw\> super().resize(self._buffer_width, self._buffer_height)

756 resize ...yapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\moderngl_window\context\base\> self._resize_func(width, height)

942 __window_resize__ ...\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\ShaderFlow\> self.relay(Message.Shader.Render)

42 relay ...rton\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\ShaderFlow\> module.handle(message)

379 handle ...on\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\ShaderFlow\> self.render()

366 render ...on\AppData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\ShaderFlow\> self.use_pipeline(self._full_pipeline())

356 use_pipeline ...Data\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\ShaderFlow\> self.set_uniform(, variable.value)

276 set_uniform ...pData\Local\pyapp\data\broken-source\3998689112427238636\0.3.1\Lib\site-packages\ShaderFlow\ @fragment.setter def fragment(self, value: Union[Path, str]): self._watchshader(value) self._fragment = value


def set_uniform(self, name: str, value: Any=None) -> None:

Note: Denum safety, called hundreds of times: No noticeable performance impact (?)

if (value is not None) and (uniform := self.program.get(name, None)):

uniform.value = denum(value)

def get_uniform(self, name: str) -> Any | None: return self.program.get(name, None)


def _full_pipeline(self) -> Iterable[ShaderVariable]: for module in self.scene.modules: yield from module.pipeline()

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'


Tremeschin commented 1 week ago

the current executable version is kinda old, this seems like a bad order of initialization bug I've found a while ago

perhaps try running directly from source code at

there's much more features now, huge optimizations on the shader code, and much better documented command line interface!

Tremeschin commented 1 week ago

I hope to release the v0.4 this week, I've broken my system two days ago, and I'm rewriting configs, directories, etc, and a bit low energy due internship

noobtoob4lyfe commented 1 week ago

Thanks again for your help. Traditionally when using a python based project from github (like I would download the project, install dependencies, and there would be and example python script with arguments that would produce the desired output. This project seems to be quite different. I'm having trouble. Is it possible to run this in the more traditional way somehow?

Tremeschin commented 1 week ago

Not really at the moment, but maybe in the medium future

Python tooling for monorepos is kinda bad, which I absolutely need to orchestrate all the projects and expand fast, with the shared library with utilities and common behavior, and in the case of depthflow, requiring its big brother shaderflow for the rendering engine behind it (three complex projects involved)

The best solution so far (and current one) is using rye with its workspaces system, and hatchling build system to include multiple sub-directories of the projects into a single python wheel

I've thought about pinning versions to exact matches across the board, like, depthflow 0.4 must have shaderflow 0.4 and monorepo lib 0.4, I can see that working and I hope pushing wheels out of order works this way, will investigate this week

but until then, cloning the monorepo and its submodules is required, or waiting until I push new wheels every so often

and yea, documentation is kinda lacking now, which I will focus after the animation preset system here in depthflow :)

might also add a readme in a "examples" directory pointing where to find stuff, as often it's included in a resources folder so pypi/binary releases contains end user files, or in the case of depthflow, it's "hidden" on the implementation itself

noobtoob4lyfe commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the detailed explanation. I will continue to check for updates as the project matures. FYI, I'm interested in this project to see if I can modify the scripts to produce sterescopic images with correct inpainting from an input image by moving the virtual camera to 2 parallel locations.

Tremeschin commented 1 week ago

sterescopic images .. camera to 2 parallel location

Oh, just press "p" to change the camera projection mode if on the realtime window 👍🏻

image (^exaggerated separation = 0.5)

Pressing it again changes to a equirectangular 360° projection, and then back to perspective

Can add/configure your own on a inherited scene's .update or .build method with:

from ShaderFlow.Modules.Camera import CameraProjection

def build(self): = 0.5 = CameraProjection.VirtualReality

or put that directly here

Tremeschin commented 1 week ago

Bump, the wallpapers website is back, error should be gone retroactively

But it's a good idea to improve it when the image is not found