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This script is (Mainly) for Beginner's
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Getting Error "(23) Failed writing body" After 3/4th Tier of Subdomains Module #2

Closed attacker34 closed 4 years ago

attacker34 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Broly157

I tested this script on kali linux and after sometime I got this Error

Finding 3/4th Tier of Subdomains
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 742183

and then after some clean output, i am continuously seeing this Error with no termination of process

(23) Failed writing body
(23) Failed writing body
(23) Failed writing body
(23) Failed writing body
(23) Failed writing body
(23) Failed writing body
(23) Failed writing body
(23) Failed writing body
(23) Failed writing body
(23) Failed writing body

Please check this issue. i think It is showing some trouble while putting all the discovered subdomains in "final" folder.

Broly157 commented 4 years ago

yeah, i change the output for 3/4 tier of Subdomains Before it was | tee > subsubdomains.txt Now it is | tee -a subsubdomains.txt should work fine now. Now plzz again download the file and replace it with what you have already give chmod +x to the new and try to runn it again Thank you

attacker34 commented 4 years ago

Done... But Still getting Same Error. This time module terminated and i saw other modules working after that: line 44: s.txt: command not found
Moving into folder _Final_
Plain massdns Scanning
Failed to open resolver file: No such file or directory
Checking for alive domains
Broly157 commented 4 years ago

Sorry, for this bruh, that's my fault i didn't wrote cp /lists/resolvers.txt /usr/share/wordlists/resolvers.txt in my do me a favour plzz, open the terminal go to cd ~/Broly/massdns > then type cp /lists/resolvers.txt /usr/share/wordlists you just need to chng the location of resolvers.txt to /usr/share/wordlists

i hope this solve's the problm coz in my lappy as is working totally fine, i just tried

attacker34 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Broly157 Thanks..Its working now..

Please add these tools.

Subdomains Grabber form csp:

Open Redirection Tool:

Tool CRLF injector which should be added
Broly157 commented 4 years ago

Glad, it's working hoosh... Thanx burh for suggesting I'll look into adding them. Plzz close this issue if your problem is completely solved. Thanx😁🙌

attacker34 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Broly157 Just working on findomain.. Its not working at all..i though i will fix it easily but its not being fixed... I've tried both ways but no success.. Can you clean install somewhere and check whether findomain works for you or not?

Broly157 commented 4 years ago

Hey @attacker34 open ~/Broly/findomain there should be a target folder inside the target folder there will be your findomain if its there open up the terminal in ~/Broly/findomain/ and do this cp target/release/findomain /usr/bin/ and if there is not target folder do this cd ~/Broly/findomain > then run cargo build --release and after that complete's do this cd ~/Broly/findomain/ and cp target/release/findomain /usr/bin/ this will cp your findomain to /usr/bin hope this will work Thanx for helping

attacker34 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Broly157 I've done it .. Thanks

attacker34 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Broly157 I was still getting that "(23) Failed Writing body" Error.. I've solved this issue with this patch

cat allrootsubdomains.txt | xargs -n 1 -I{} curl -fsSL$1 | sort -n | uniq -c | grep -o -P '(?<=\<TD\>).*(?=\<\/TD\>)' | sed -e '/white-space:normal/d' | sed 's/\*\.//g' > subsubdomains.txt
Broly157 commented 4 years ago

Cool, I'll try this once. Coz for me mine one is working fine. Thanx😁🙌

Broly157 commented 4 years ago

Hey @attacker34 does this work really ? cat alive.txt | csp not working for me.

attacker34 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Broly157 It should work.. Have your text file contains protocols in it or not?

It should look like

cat alive.txt

Now then you can use this command:

cat alive.txt | ./csp
Broly157 commented 4 years ago

Yeah, exactly same protocols i have in my alive l.txt

attacker34 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Broly157 hmm.. You can ask it from EdOverflow via his twitter handle.. Two more cool scripts which should be added are

I think it will be best addition to this cool script. For (waybackurls) There should be another tool to validate that all url's (which we found via waybackurls tool) are giving us status like 404,200 etc ... So that we can easily examine the urls via waybackurls tool.

Broly157 commented 4 years ago

Yeah, i use waybackurls byt I'm keeping it for my next script that's for directory search nd other stuff after subdomain enumeration. And yeah, i have added CSP and Altdns in my script, you can check it out Thanx.

attacker34 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Broly157 Thanks a lot dude.. Check this Script
Broly157 commented 4 years ago

This is urs? I saw the script that nice written

attacker34 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Broly157 Not mine but its one of my fav. - Given suggestions :)

Broly157 commented 4 years ago

Oookay, I'll definitely learn from it will make mine perfect 🤩🙌

attacker34 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Broly157 This is getting better now... Add ffufplus (one of amazing tool) for content discovery

Moreover, Massdns and Altdns should be optional tools for usage. Sometime we have to skip these lengthy steps which takes time for low hanging fruits ...

Keep rocking !!

Broly157 commented 4 years ago

Yeah, i have to chng smthg in my script (like then my script will ask if you want to do altdns scan or not) kind of I'm learning how to do that, will do that. Thanx🙂