Changed the deadband values for LEFT_X_DEADBAND, LEFT_Y_DEADBAND, and RIGHT_X_DEADBAND from 0.01 to 0.1. This modification addresses the problem where swerve modules behave erratically and spin out of control with a lower deadband setting. The update is crucial for ensuring that issues related to modules spinning uncontrollably are attributed to motor invert problems and not confused with deadband settings. This change is particularly relevant for certain types/quality of controllers used.
Changed the deadband values for LEFT_X_DEADBAND, LEFT_Y_DEADBAND, and RIGHT_X_DEADBAND from 0.01 to 0.1. This modification addresses the problem where swerve modules behave erratically and spin out of control with a lower deadband setting. The update is crucial for ensuring that issues related to modules spinning uncontrollably are attributed to motor invert problems and not confused with deadband settings. This change is particularly relevant for certain types/quality of controllers used.