BroncoHacks-Website / Static-Site

This is the repository for the BroncoHacks static website.
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Design additional background images #81

Open chillwafflez opened 1 week ago

chillwafflez commented 1 week ago

User Story

As a user, I want to see variety of backgrounds for different pages.


Acceptance Criteria

Rebeccals commented 4 days ago
  1. A solid background image of a race track.
  2. A solid background with just clouds
  3. The racetrack background, but with transparent sky to mess with.
  4. Clouds background, but with transparent sky.

At least with the transparent cloud background, I thought it might be interesting to fix the image to the top of the footer div and then change the background color to a blue. That way when you scroll up, you can put more clouds everywhere to make it look like you are going higher into the clouds.

Both backgrounds are seamless and repeat along the left and right sides of the image (x-axis).

Background Background_clds Background_transparent BroncoHacks_clouds_transparent