Due to Ren'Py 8 running on Python 3, the DDLC RPA file will no longer work due to opening files converting itself to bytes instead of strings compared to how it was on Python 2.
To mitigate this, a patched DDLC RPA file is needed now than adding stuff to ml_patches.rpy which can be considered a gray area in distribution from Team Salvato. A request has been made to see if distributing the RPA with only fixes is allowed.
Due to Ren'Py 8 running on Python 3, the DDLC RPA file will no longer work due to opening files converting itself to bytes instead of strings compared to how it was on Python 2.
To mitigate this, a patched DDLC RPA file is needed now than adding stuff to
which can be considered a gray area in distribution from Team Salvato. A request has been made to see if distributing the RPA with only fixes is allowed.