Brookke / SEPR-Assessment2

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Placing Clues in Rooms #100

Closed joeShuff closed 7 years ago

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

So we need a definitive list of clues that will be in the game.

Brief says AT LEAST one clue per room, so we need at least 10 clues. If you have any suggestions for what the clues could be, please comment.

Also, do we want the clues to have 1 room to go in OR just clues can go in any room?

Brookke commented 7 years ago

Because of the way dialogue works constructing clues from the player is a little hard to do, so what I was planning was that every NPC has a list of clues. So if you can write a method in the map class that takes a list of Clues and then distributes them in the rooms that would be great.

I think the clues should be distributed randomly between rooms. (ensures the game is different every time we play it)

As for suggestions of clues:

  1. Footprint
    • big
    • small
  2. The murder weapon
  3. Lipstick
  4. Hair
    • Dark
    • Light
  5. Pen
  6. Paper
  7. Glasses
  8. Gloves (maybe)
    • Large
    • Small
  9. Watch

plus a few non helpful clues

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Yeah sounds good to me. You put murder weapon twice xD

Brookke commented 7 years ago

Fixed :)

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

If anyone else has any suggestions for clues, feel free to say. I'm not very creative when it comes to this

Brookke commented 7 years ago

(We need more than 10 because not every player will have lipstick or glasses etc)

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Oh also, some stuff about clues

  1. Footprint - Everyone has so is fine
  2. Murder weapon - Applies in every case so fine
  3. Lipstick - Will only be there for people who have lipstick. So if they don't have lipstick, thats -1 clue
  4. Hair - Again, everyone has so is fine
  5. Pen - ^^^^
  6. Paper - ^^^
  7. Glasses - Same as the lipstick. If someone doesn't have glasses, thats another -1 clue
  8. Gloves - Same as above if we include it
  9. Watch - Same again ^^

We need to have a list of 10 generic items that apply to all, even if they have variations of themselves.

We could include the lipstick, incase we want to say, Lipstick OR Watch. Then that will apply to all.

For the case of glasses, they either have them or not, maybe this can be one of the 11 + clues that are added extras.

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

and then of course, EVERY NPC will need to have a response to EVERY clue. Even if they don't have glasses, they'll need a response for glasses if we ask them a question about it.

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Ah, @Brookke you beat me to it xD

Brookke commented 7 years ago

@joeShuff ps small footprint and big footprint will be separate clues :)

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Yeah but it will be one or the other right? Someone can't have both or neither??

Brookke commented 7 years ago

@joeShuff yep but we will need a response too big footprint and small footprint. Also, if we have gloves I suggest its just an indicator of hand size, e.g. the killer wore gloves, these gloves where large, find everyone will large hands

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Yeah yeah I get that. Gloves sounds fine by me, by size or shall we mix it up and do color? Cause we already have shoe size?...

Brookke commented 7 years ago

Not sure how it would work with colour though?

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

True. Just trying to mix it up instead of having 2 clues be size dependant. I'm absolutely fine with it was just pondering.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

Yeah I know what you mean :/ hmmm well we can mix it up a little so that big feet not always == to big hands

jasonmash commented 7 years ago

Perhaps we might want to go down more of an item route, rather than personal features. Like Will should have a camera, etc.

Also, how do you imagine the pen and paper working as a clue? It seems applicable to all the NPCs, and if we're planning the thing where we get NPCs to write down something, surely that's adding extra complexity we don't need at the moment?

Brookke commented 7 years ago

The problem with the doing the personal route means if you find one clue you have found the killer. The pen for now can be use to determine whether the killer is left handed or not, e.g. in the player dialogue it looks up pen and gets

Player: "can you please sign here" NPC: "Sure (uses his left hand)"

either that or they do nothing for now

Brookke commented 7 years ago

That bit there follows the same flow as the other clues

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Definitely not have personal clues. As @Brookke said, would give it away straight away. The pen & paper is quite simple. It'd just be a check to see if they have both items then ask them to sign, respond with, "NAME signed with their HAND hand". Not exactly complex...