Brookke / SEPR-Assessment2

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Decide on rooms for the game, create relevant assets, and implement it #32

Closed jasonmash closed 7 years ago

TheProgrammingDuck commented 7 years ago

Reception Lakehouse Island of Interaction One of the Pods RCH/037 One of the computer areas Cafeteria Staff Room (I'll be a bit creative with this one) Mike's lab Toilet/Bathroom

Just make sure you're all fine with this. The brief says that we can be as creative as we want with the room designs for the sake of entertainment so I'd like to have a couple interesting rooms.

jasonmash commented 7 years ago

Sounds good, I like most of them!

Not sure about having Mike's Lab though, as each time the game is played different characters are assigned to different rooms and it'd be weird having someone else in Mike's Lab (which isn't even in the RCH!)

Brookke commented 7 years ago

should the cafeteria bit not just be included in the general area where you go to swap rooms? Also as for creative that can always be done towards the end. Right now we just some rooms to hide clues and put NPC's in don't waste too much time on that.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

Would be worth giving some of the partially completed map files to @joeShuff as I think he was working on implementing them

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

My thoughts on the rooms

Reception - What reception? the underside of it inside the column? Lakehouse - Fine Island of Interaction - Fine One of the Pods - Fine RCH/037 - Fine One of the computer areas - I'd say as a last resort Cafeteria - Kitchen is probably a better label as the cafeteria is in the main room Staff Room (I'll be a bit creative with this one) - errr Mike's lab - Maybe not needed again Toilet/Bathroom - Fine

Also you seem to be missing the main huge bit of the Ron Cooke hub. Kindof important, Also seem to be missing the outside path between RCH and a pod. We did discuss this in the last practical, there is a document on the drive.

With creativity, I'd just say make the rooms as you think Vishal. Try to get them similar shape and features else we'll be doing a murder mystery in somewhere called Ron Cooke Hub over the actual Ron Cooke hub, which for prospective students wouldn't be as good. Because if we do it to replicate the actual building they can recognize places and it might be more interesting.

If you get a map file done, send a screenshot of it to the slack group and if we are all happy, send me th tmx file over!

TheProgrammingDuck commented 7 years ago

By reception I meant the main huge bit of the Ron Cooke Hub. In the last practical didn't we end up saying that once you step outside the Ron Cooke, you automatically end up at the pod? I don't mind making the outside path aswell though.

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Me, Ben and Brooke went through a list of rooms. It's on the drive. Here

TheProgrammingDuck commented 7 years ago

8 rooms completed and posted on slack. We need to decide on 1 more room and ideally find some water tiles for the lake outside.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

@joeShuff so todo:

TheProgrammingDuck commented 7 years ago

o.O Joe is doing a good job with the game logic and there's a decent amount that still needs doing. I don't mind redoing this and showing it to Joe every step of the way to make sure there's no issues as long as the team agrees to an orientation change....

Brookke commented 7 years ago

@TheProgrammingDuck the main menu needs doing too

TheProgrammingDuck commented 7 years ago

That's non-essential, we don't gain or lose a single mark for it. Rooms, game logic and reports take priority at the moment. At the pace we're going, i'll have more than enough spare time after exams to work on the main menu, assuming its not done by exam time :D I will try to make sure its done within the next couple days though.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

@TheProgrammingDuck we need things to talk about in the GUI report and that is GUI

jasonmash commented 7 years ago

@TheProgrammingDuck I think you've done enough on rooms for now - are you happy to leave them alone, and make the main menu a priority? It's absolutely essential for the game, and the rooms are in a good enough state to use as they are.

TheProgrammingDuck commented 7 years ago

Brooke, that is a very good point, I stand corrected. I'll work on the main menu from now on. I'm happy to help with the maps at any point and if the tileset needs updating with any of the older tiles or with any new tiles for the Cafe then I'm happy to help with that aswell.

jasonmash commented 7 years ago

Thanks @TheProgrammingDuck, that's great. Make sure you keep GitHub updated on your Main Menu progress, and make sure that's done before moving onto anything else!

Also do we really need to redo some of the rooms? I do like the idea of the rotation, but I'm a bit concerned we'll be wasting time. I'm happy for @joeShuff to go ahead and redo them, but only once we've met the requirements for the game. Is that okay?

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

I can get on with it. Really not much needs doing. What's wrong with the island @Brookke ?

Brookke commented 7 years ago

@joeShuff wrong shape, especially if you are rotating it

Brookke commented 7 years ago

screenshot 2016-12-14 16 24 54 pictured something this sort of shape

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Exactly the shape I was going for. Perfect!

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Door @ top orrr?

Brookke commented 7 years ago

top I guess then it is more accurate

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Exactly what I thought. Now for the difficult task of tackling Tiled...

Brookke commented 7 years ago

Just doing a general update: how is the progress with the last few rooms (outside, interactive island and the Main area in the RCH?)

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

The main area has been worked on, it's in the drive.