Brookke / SEPR-Assessment2

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Room: MainRoom #69

Closed TheProgrammingDuck closed 7 years ago

TheProgrammingDuck commented 7 years ago


This is the current version, let me know if anyone wants any changes. In the past I asked whether we want to have the Cafe in there as well but we chose not to have it. The room does feel a bit big and there's definitely space to add it in if we want to.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

hmm we need to be careful, is this room having an NPC? if yes then we need to make sure its not too big otherwise finding clues will be hard

jasonmash commented 7 years ago

Looking good!

Got a few comments:

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Looks good, again, few comments:

TheProgrammingDuck commented 7 years ago

Wouldn't the Kitchen be at the top and the staircase to the island of interaction be in the top left (past the porters office)?

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

No? The kitchen is on the right. The island of interaction will be at the top right. Also, we do need to slim this room down.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

hmm? @joeShuff if the north wall is where the shops etc are then the interactive island stair case is top left. If we slim it down too much we have the issue where the doors will all be too close together. This room should be the biggest room in the building right?

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

I really think we have different ideas on what orientation this room is.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

yeah so the bit that is cut out is the porters office area, (where interactive island is above) then the top left is the bit where you can walk out of the rch towards cs (not implemented in the game). thats how the whole game has been designed from that angle

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

That is not the orientation I looked at it.

and this orientation is the basis of what side the doors go on in all the other rooms

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

In the outside, the door to RCH is at the top, so why is the entrance on the right of this map?

Brookke commented 7 years ago

the entrance is at the bottom right?

Brookke commented 7 years ago

hmm so RCH37 is hard to do the orientation that it would actually be

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

I thought the entrance would be bottom centre. I think we are looking into it as if we are in the sky above the 66 stop.

TheProgrammingDuck commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I was looking at it from the orientation that Brooke mentioned. The door at the bottom leads to the outside, the stairs on the right will lead to the computer room upstairs, the 2 doors on the right will lead to rch037 and the toilet, the kitchen is accessed through the door at the top (this is where the Cafe would be) , porters office door is outside the porters office and the island of interaction stairs are on the top left (in real life you could also go straight, leave the rhc and see the computer science department right in front of you)

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Then we would need to change the orientation of every room.

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Because if you've got RCH037 on the right, but it comes out from the top, doesn't make sense

Brookke commented 7 years ago


joeShuff commented 7 years ago

That is not what I thought. I thought 90 degerees off. But thats what I've based all my orientation requests on

Brookke commented 7 years ago

I think we should leave it as it is for now as orientation is very hard to do right, hence why Pokémon only really had it so that you enter a room from the bottom

Brookke commented 7 years ago

screenshot 2016-12-14 13 32 17

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

It's not difficult at all to do right. Miscommunication as led to it being done wrong. I swear I even drew out the main room in detail...

Brookke commented 7 years ago

it is difficult to do because we then require loads more assets to rotate all the rooms and desks etc

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Its not. This is the only room where the orientation is incorrect in my eyes. Its easy to fix. Just using those rugs & doors we have. I dont get how the miscommunication happened. I clearly stated my ideas and everyone agreed.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

the island of interaction is wrong then, as is the outside bit, as is the kitchen

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Yeah, if your orientation is used. That's what i'm saying.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

no they are all right

TheProgrammingDuck commented 7 years ago

If you ever drew out the main room, I don't have a copy of this and it must have happened quite a while ago because I don't have any recollection of it having occurred. I am in agreement with Brooke in this, this orientation feels most natural and based on the asssets we have, this orientation makes the room designs look most natural.

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

They're really not. I drew this out ages ago. If it feels natural then how come it hasn't come to me naturally. You 2 made it so your say is biased. I had no part in its making and I didnt get it naturally.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

I originally drew the first room (the one we have been using in the game test) the other way round (180 degree rotation), but then saw this and worked from this.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

screenshot 2016-12-14 13 45 51

Brookke commented 7 years ago

that is roughly the orientation we have

TheProgrammingDuck commented 7 years ago

Yup, based on this I totally see where Joe was coming from in terms of the outside but the rest of the rooms are correct in terms of both orientation and general accuracy of content.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

you can rotate 90 degrees clockwise and it'll still mostly work,as long as interactive island gets the same treatment

Brookke commented 7 years ago

I don't have any objection to it being rotated as long as I don't have to do it

Brookke commented 7 years ago

new orientation suggestion mainmap2

TheProgrammingDuck commented 7 years ago

Haha, I don't mind doing it...I simply don't see the point. If the team agrees that it should be rotated then I'll do it even if I completely disagree with it but we should definitely wait for more opinions before deciding. Making the new orientation actually look nice will be a tiresome task.

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

I mean its obviously not as dramatic as completely flipping it.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

Honestly @joeShuff I would just give it a go on tiled and see how it goes. I am sure it'll work and thats fine I just cba with remaking the map

Brookke commented 7 years ago

it will work and it is possible, but It doesn't make it any clearer other than with the RCH037 room and maybe the lake house

joeShuff commented 7 years ago


joeShuff commented 7 years ago

This was how I saw it.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

Yeah I understand that, and that way is fine, give it a go on tiled and make it happen. It makes sense for the rooms like 37 and that because then they will be the right way round, however I don't think it matters too much really.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

Will any rooms other than this and interactive island need to be re done? (except for the movement of the doors obviously)

TheProgrammingDuck commented 7 years ago

Ah, that makes sense now. Joe, if you think the orientation difference is that significant then I'll work on this now and get it all sorted with the new orientation by tonight/tomorrow. (Busy packing bags today for my flight tomorrow).

Brookke commented 7 years ago

@TheProgrammingDuck as I have said to you I would recommend that @joeShuff works on it because he knows exactly how he thinks it should look and it will save time, you can work on the main menu and get that done then.

jasonmash commented 7 years ago

See #32 for further discussion as other rooms are involved

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

image Having a few issues with corners of walls but other than that its getting there. Thoughts?

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

I asked some peers (people in SEPR) which was more understanding. I.e I told them both were RCH and nothing else. All said the one I have made is more natural to understand. The first one is too far off that it becomes unrecognizable.

jasonmash commented 7 years ago

I wonder if part of that feedback was to do with the better layout of chairs/tables and the reception desk that wasn't on the other map. The better layout adds more recognisable features from the RCH, and I think you'd find that if you added that layout to the other orientation you'd get the same feedback.

Not sure about the strange shape of the island of interaction/porters office area, and also it probs takes up too much space relative to the area taken up by the seating section of the RCH. Not really a problem though, if it's okay with everyone, let's go ahead and use your current version as it's good enough for the game.

Brookke commented 7 years ago

Yeah the two things I would probably look at changing is the door at the top right to stairs or at least remove the exit sign (that implies as its the main room that that is the exit. I would probably move the entrance to the bottom left more i.e. before the stairs ( currently it kinda looks like the entrance to 037 as that too has double doors.