Brookke / SEPR-Assessment2

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Game Music #87

Closed TheProgrammingDuck closed 7 years ago

TheProgrammingDuck commented 7 years ago

The music I used in the Main Menu comes from:

There's a lot of free music, the licencing is as follows:


Our project would be using the "Creative Commons Licence" so we can use it as long as we have a credits page somewhere and have the creators name in there as the creator of the music.

I'm confident we can use this, I know a lot of Youtubers that use free soundtracks from this producer and there's also several other SEPR teams using music from here.

There's a very large collection of soundtracks so I'd recommend having a look so that we can choose on some for the game, as I've shown with the main menu, background music is very easy to implement and is a nice feature to have when showing our game to other teams :D

Brookke commented 7 years ago

As long as we have a mute button ☺️

jasonmash commented 7 years ago

@TheProgrammingDuck Please can you take the music out of the Main Menu branch, it's a separate feature, so it doesn't belong with that block of work. I'm happy for you to have a go with the music, but only after we've met the core requirements, and the group has decided to go ahead with adding it (which we haven't yet).

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

I don't have a problem with it. As you can see by the code, it's really simple and it's nice to have it added.

joeShuff commented 7 years ago

Being muted can link to #56

Brookke commented 7 years ago

One note #56 isn't a must but a mute button is