BrooksLabUCSC / flair

Full-Length Alternative Isoform analysis of RNA
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A question about correct model #320

Open anxuan-web opened 5 months ago

anxuan-web commented 5 months ago

Hi, I found that after running correct, the file (*_corrected.bed) became very small.


Inconsistent.bed files are very large, is this normal?

Jeltje commented 5 months ago

That is not normal. Can you give more information about your inputs, outputs, flair version, and exact command?

anxuan-web commented 5 months ago

That is not normal. Can you give more information about your inputs, outputs, flair version, and exact command?

flair correct -q GY_01_lung.bed -f ../ -g ../Ebaileyi.chr.genome.fa

I reworked the code, and here's what happened. image

anxuan-web commented 5 months ago

And I will report an error when I run collapse. image flair collapse -g ../ -q flair_all_corrected.bed -r ../../01.nanofilt/filt.GS_02_lung.fq.gz -o out/collapse --gtf ../ --stringent --check_splice --generate_map --annotation_reliant generate

Jeltje commented 5 months ago

It looks like your GY_01_lung.bed contains chromosomes not present in your Here's how to find what's missing: cut -f1 | sort -u > genome.chrs cut -f1 GY_01_lung.bed | sort -u > lung.chrs comm -3 genome.chrs lung.chrs # first column gives anything unique to genome, second is for lung

You might also want to make sure your genome file uses the same identifiers.