Broukmiken / Nginx.exe-32-and-64-bits-With-RTMP

Here is my compiled nginx.exe 32 bits and 64 bits with RTMP module
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Low Latency #2

Open Scro-mx opened 7 months ago

Scro-mx commented 7 months ago

Hello, I would like to contact you, because I would like to know if it is possible to reduce the latency of the stream viewing? I currently have a latency of between 15 and 20 seconds and I'd like to reduce it.


Scro-mx commented 7 months ago

Because I'd like to retrieve a person's stream to share it back in OBS so that I can share the 2 screens on the same stream without too much latency!

Broukmiken commented 2 months ago

Hello, You should use srt stream or whip stream. It's very low latency streams protocol (0.5s) You then have to forget nginx and use Mediamtx instead. It's a great free media server, have a look on github.
