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IIP inscriptions encoded in Epidoc XML and supporting files
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Caes0109 uses space element, might be a gap #99

Open emylonas opened 5 years ago

emylonas commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure that <space> is correct here. Perhaps should be a <gap>.

emylonas commented 4 years ago

these are the inscriptions that have <space/> there are many others that have the <space> element with units and extent noted. (209 total).

caes0383.xml [2]
haif0027.xml [2]
jaff0006.xml [2]
jeru0530.xml [2]
mare0181.xml [3]
zoor0336.xml [2]
zoor0437.xml [2]
emylonas commented 4 years ago

More <space/> issues: **attributes dim="horizontal"** Can be corrected automatically tounit="char" extent="unknown"

caes0109.xml <p>ἱπποτρόφοις<space dim="horizontal"/>
caes0109.xml </expan> τὸ γ’<space dim="horizontal"/>καθ’ ἕκαστὸν <expan>
caes0109.xml </expan> τὸ <num>δλς’</num><space dim="horizontal"/>
caes0109.xml </expan> τὸ <num>β’</num><space dim="horizontal"/>
caes0109.xml </expan> ας’<space dim="horizontal"/>
caes0109.xml </expan> ιε<g>‹</g>γ’<space dim="horizontal"/>
caes0109.xml </expan> <num>ηγ’</num><space dim="horizontal"/>
caes0109.xml </expan> <num>ηγ’</num><space dim="horizontal"/>
caes0109.xml </expan> η<g>‹</g>ο’β’<space dim="horizontal"/>
caes0109.xml </expan> ιβ<g>‹</g>’<space dim="horizontal"/>
caes0109.xml </expan> α<g>‹</g>’<space dim="horizontal"/>
caes0109.xml </expan> <num>β’</num><space dim="horizontal"/>
caes0109.xml <space dim="horizontal"/>
caes0109.xml <space dim="horizontal"/>
caes0109.xml <space dim="horizontal"/>5629 1/4 gold coins<lb/>4: 1/3 of a coin per month<spac...
caes0109.xml dim="horizontal"/>5629 1/4 gold coins<lb/>4: 1/3 of a coin per month<space dim="horizontal"/>each year<lb/>3 1/3: 5/18 of a coin per month<space dim...
caes0109.xml ...onth<space dim="horizontal"/>each year<lb/>3 1/3: 5/18 of a coin per month<space dim="horizontal"/>? 12 months: 611 14/15 gold coins<lb/>6: 1/2 of a coin...
caes0109.xml ...izontal"/>? 12 months: 611 14/15 gold coins<lb/>6: 1/2 of a coin per month<space dim="horizontal"/>from the stolos<lb/>14: 1 1/6 coins per month<space dim...
caes0109.xml ...onth<space dim="horizontal"/>from the stolos<lb/>14: 1 1/6 coins per month<space dim="horizontal"/>from the mesites<lb/>190: 15 5/6 coins per month<space...
caes0109.xml ...h<space dim="horizontal"/>from the mesites<lb/>190: 15 5/6 coins per month<space dim="horizontal"/>from the dikeration<lb/>100: 8 1/3 coins per month<spac...
caes0109.xml dim="horizontal"/>from the dikeration<lb/>100: 8 1/3 coins per month<space dim="horizontal"/>from the tetrakeration<lb/>100: 8 1/3 coins per month<s...
caes0109.xml ...ce dim="horizontal"/>from the tetrakeration<lb/>100: 8 1/3 coins per month<space dim="horizontal"/>from the synarchiai<lb/>102 1/6: 8 37/72 coins per mont...
caes0109.xml ...dim="horizontal"/>from the synarchiai<lb/>102 1/6: 8 37/72 coins per month<space dim="horizontal"/>from the poll-tax and hypopyrgion<lb/>150: 12 1/2 coins...
caes0109.xml ...zontal"/>from the poll-tax and hypopyrgion<lb/>150: 12 1/2 coins per month<space dim="horizontal"/>from the octavarii and perfumers<lb/>18: 1 1/2 coins pe...
caes0109.xml ...orizontal"/>from the octavarii and perfumers<lb/>18: 1 1/2 coins per month<space dim="horizontal"/>from the tax on weights and measures<lb/>24: 2 coins pe...
caes0109.xml ...orizontal"/>from the tax on weights and measures<lb/>24: 2 coins per month<space dim="horizontal"/>from the tax on <rs type="occupation">councillors </rs>
caes0109.xml <lb/>...............<space dim="horizontal"/>from the <rs type="occupation">pulse-dealers </rs>
caes0109.xml <lb/>...............<space dim="horizontal"/>...monthly</p>
jeru0083.xml <p>῾Ρούφου· ὅς δ'ἃν<space dim="horizontal"/>ον<lb/> μετενένκη <expan>
jeru0083.xml <space dim="horizontal"/>
jeru0118.xml <space dim="horizontal"/>
jeru0118.xml <space dim="horizontal"/>
rams0002.xml <p>ΚΥΡΙΕΠΡΟΣΔΕΞΕΤΗΝΠΡΟΣ<lb/>ΦΟΡΑΝΤΟΥ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΛΑΜΠΡΟ<lb/>ΒΑΛΒΙ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΩΝΟΣ<lb/>ΤΩΕΞΙ...
rams0002.xml ...ΚΥΡΙΕΠΡΟΣΔΕΞΕΤΗΝΠΡΟΣ<lb/>ΦΟΡΑΝΤΟΥ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΛΑΜΠΡΟ<lb/>ΒΑΛΒΙ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΩΝΟΣ<lb/>ΤΩΕΞΙ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΔΙΩΝ<lb/>ΚΑΙΚΟ<s...
rams0002.xml ...dim="horizontal"/>ΛΑΜΠΡΟ<lb/>ΒΑΛΒΙ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΩΝΟΣ<lb/>ΤΩΕΞΙ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΔΙΩΝ<lb/>ΚΑΙΚΟ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΠΟΥΕΚ<lb/>ΤΙΣΕΝ<...
rams0002.xml ...ce dim="horizontal"/>ΩΝΟΣ<lb/>ΤΩΕΞΙ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΔΙΩΝ<lb/>ΚΑΙΚΟ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΠΟΥΕΚ<lb/>ΤΙΣΕΝ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΤΟΥΑΓ<lb/>ΤΩΠΟΥ...
rams0002.xml ...e dim="horizontal"/>ΔΙΩΝ<lb/>ΚΑΙΚΟ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΠΟΥΕΚ<lb/>ΤΙΣΕΝ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΤΟΥΑΓ<lb/>ΤΩΠΟΥ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΚΑΙΚΥΡ <unclear...
rams0002.xml ...dim="horizontal"/>ΠΟΥΕΚ<lb/>ΤΙΣΕΝ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΤΟΥΑΓ<lb/>ΤΩΠΟΥ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΚΑΙΚΥΡ <unclear/>
birs0006.xml <space dim="horizontal"/> καὶ <expan>
sepp0015.xml </supplied>ἐ­<space dim="horizontal"/>or<gap reason="illegible" quantity="9" unit="character"/>Ε<lb/>
sepp0015.xml <supplied reason="undefined">ποίησεν εὑ</supplied>ξά­<space dim="horizontal"/>
juei0004.xml <g type="cross">+</g> ΦΛΓΒΑΛΒΙΟΝ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΥΙΟΣΚΟΝΟΝΟΣΛΑΜΠ<gap reason="illegible"/>
juei0004.xml <space dim="horizontal"/>ΕΚΤΙΣΕΝΤΟΜΑ<unclear>Ρ</unclear>ΤΥ<gap reason="illegible"/>
rafi0002.xml <p> + ΕΙΣΘΣΟ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΤΟΥΤΩ<lb/>
rafi0002.xml ΒΟΗΘΩΝ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΝΙΚΑ + ΚΤΙΣΤ<lb/>
rafi0002.xml ΣΕΡΓΩΝΑ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΑΒΕΛΑΘΟΥΤΩ
juei0001.xml <g type="cross">+</g> ΕΙΣΙΝ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΤΑΕΝ<g type="cross">+</g>
juei0001.xml ΚΕΝΙΑ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΤΟΥΑΓΙΟΥ<lb/>
juei0001.xml <space dim="horizontal"/>ΑΥΓΟΥΤΟΥ<lb/>
khis0082.xml <space dim="horizontal"/>
khis0082.xml <space dim="horizontal"/>+<lb/>ΚΑΙΠΑΡΟΙΚΙΑΙΔΙΑ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΔΑΝΙΗΛΟΣ<lb/>ΚΑΘΕΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΕΠΕΚΤΙΣΕΝ  +
khis0082.xml <space dim="horizontal"/>+<lb/>ΚΑΙΠΑΡΟΙΚΙΑΙΔΙΑ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΔΑΝΙΗΛΟΣ<lb/>ΚΑΘΕΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΕΠΕΚΤΙΣΕΝ  +
khis0082.xml <space dim="horizontal"/>+<lb/>ΚΑΙΠΑΡΟΙΚΙΑΙΔΙΑ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΔΑΝΙΗΛΟΣ<lb/>ΚΑΘΕΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΕΠΕΚΤΙΣΕΝ  +
juei0002.xml <p>+ ΚΥΡΙΟΣΦΥΛ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΑΞ<gap reason="illegible"/>
juei0002.xml ΟΔΟΝΣΟΥΟΥΤΗΝ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΕΞΟ<gap reason="illegible"/>
rafi0004.xml <p> ΕΙΣΘΕΟ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΟΒΟΗ<lb/>
rafi0004.xml ΘΟΝΗΛΙΑ<space dim="horizontal"/>
rafi0004.xml ΙΤΩΚΤΗ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΓΑΝΗ
juei0003.xml <space dim="horizontal"/>ΒΑΛΒ<lb/> ΙΩΝΙ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΥΙΟΣΚΟΝΟΝ </p>
juei0003.xml <space dim="horizontal"/>ΒΑΛΒ<lb/> ΙΩΝΙ<space dim="horizontal"/>ΥΙΟΣΚΟΝΟΝ </p>

attributes only have extent="unknown" but are missing unit These need to be looked at

jaff0051.xml זכרונו<lb/>לברכה <space extent="unknown"/> שלום</p>
zoor0444.xml <space extent="unknown"/> שלם</p>
jmon0026.xml <lb/>שלם <space extent="unknown"/> בטב </p>
jeru0328.xml <space extent="unknown"/>

mostly correct, but vacat is in lines. Need new css (Elli)

mare0325.xml <space extent="unknown" unit="line"/>
mare0053.xml <space unit="line" extent="1"/>
jaff0015.xml <space unit="line"/>

space element is empty Need unit and extent/quantity - I can mark them as unit="character extent="unknown" if that makes sense. 24 of these.

kafr0010.xml <lb/>Επιφανέστατοι<lb/>καίσαρες <space/>
caes0321.xml <space/>
jeru0530.xml <p>כל אנש מתהנא <space/> כל אש קרבן<space/> ק<lb/>בה קרבן</p>
jeru0530.xml <p>כל אנש מתהנא <space/> כל אש קרבן<space/> ק<lb/>בה קרבן</p>
haif0039.xml <lb/>ΚΑΙ<space/>ΓΕΡΜΑΝΟΣ<space/>
haif0039.xml <lb/>ΚΑΙ<space/>ΓΕΡΜΑΝΟΣ<space/>
haif0039.xml <lb/>ΤΑ<space/>ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΗΣ<lb/>ΚΑΙΗΣΥΝΒΙΟΣ<lb/>ΑΥΤΟΥΣΩΣΙΠΑΤΡΑ</p>
caes0122.xml <space/> ex <expan>
caes0334.xml <space/> ξιαν<gap reason="illegible" quantity="3" unit="character"/>
mare0345.xml <p>κ <space/> δ<choice>
caes0383.xml ΓΟΠ<space/>
jeru0354.xml <p>בן יסן<space/>ש</p>
evro0013.xml <space/>
mare0396.xml <space/>
mare0181.xml <gap reason="lost" extent="1" unit="character"/>α<unclear>πτιο</unclear>υ <space/>
mare0181.xml κ<lb/>ορτωι <space/> θοτυχου<lb/>δικαιοφιλου<gap reason="lost" extent="1" unit="character"/>
mare0181.xml <space/>
caes0176.xml ας <space/>
jaff0006.xml <space/> Ἠσσης
jaff0006.xml <space/>
zoor0336.xml <space/>τος<space/>
zoor0336.xml <space/>τος<space/>
caes0388.xml <space/> ΟΙΑ<unclear/>
caes0158.xml <space/> ἀγαθά.<lb/>
caes0164.xml <space/> Marini</p>
haif0042.xml <space/>ΟΔΩΡΑΣ</p>
caes0373.xml <unclear>Ο</unclear>ΥΚ<space/> Λ<lb/>
caes0403.xml <space/>
haif0027.xml <space/>ΜΝΗ<lb/>ΕΛΙΟΥΙΟΥΛΙΟΥ<lb/>
haif0027.xml <space/>ΗΟΥΚΝΗ</p>
caes0110.xml <space/>
zoor0437.xml בירחה <space/>
zoor0437.xml <supplied reason="lost">ד</supplied>שאבועה דהי <space/>
emylonas commented 4 years ago

@GaiaLembi I propose to change all the <space dim="horizontal"/> and <space/> to <space unit="char" extent="unknown"/>

Please confirm

GaiaLembi commented 4 years ago

Elli, I was working exactly on Caes0109, after cleaning up the "to correct inscriptions": we are down to three pages, and I will explain you in detail via e-mail later what is left (apart from a few, all display issues). For Caes0109 in particular this won't work: the text is in two column, but is read across them and there is an horizontal space in the middle of each line: the present mark up is what we agreed upon a while ago. I will have to check the other texts

GaiaLembi commented 4 years ago

Elli, on a second thought, and after skimming through Epidoc and TEI guidelines, I think that what you suggested makes sense for Caes0109. I'd rather check the other inscriptions, though, before proceeding to a global change

emylonas commented 4 years ago

I have done caes0109, but the others remain.