Many of our books are from the collection of Vincent J. Buonanno - who has given us permission to digitize and display the books. We want to always indicate this when displaying an image of one of his books, prints or pages. Currently it shows up under "Library View" when looking at a book page. It should show up in exactly the same way
when viewing prints using same format as it does on a page
when viewing the thumbnails page of a book using same format as it does on a page
eventually on the TOC page for books and prints. (we might want to make the display briefer here)
You can tell when the book is a Buonanno book because it says "From the collection of Vincent J. Buonanno" in a mods:note element in the MODS record.
Many of our books are from the collection of Vincent J. Buonanno - who has given us permission to digitize and display the books. We want to always indicate this when displaying an image of one of his books, prints or pages. Currently it shows up under "Library View" when looking at a book page. It should show up in exactly the same way
You can tell when the book is a Buonanno book because it says "From the collection of Vincent J. Buonanno" in a mods:note element in the MODS record.