BrownBiomechanics / Autoscoper

Autoscoper is a 2D-3D image registration software package.
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CUDA vs OpenCL #43

Open NicerNewerCar opened 1 year ago

NicerNewerCar commented 1 year ago

Feature parity between CUDA and OpenCL

Feature CUDA Implementation OpenCL Implementation
Background Renderer Yes Yes
Compositor Yes Yes
Contrast Filter Yes Yes
DRR Background (DRR Rendering) Yes Yes
Guassian Filter Yes Yes
HDist Yes No
Merger Yes Yes
Mult Yes Yes
NCC Yes Yes
PSO Yes* No
Rad Renderer Yes Yes
Ray Caster Yes Yes
Sharpen Filter Yes Yes
Sobel Filter Yes Yes

Build warnings: CUDA vs OpenCL


Addressed in Issue #42

Warning # of Occurrences File(s) Link to Docs
C4276 5,,,,
#1215-D 3,,

copy of C4267:

C:\SAM\Autoscoper\libautoscoper\src\gpu\cuda\ warning C4267: 'argument': conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data [C:\SAM\Autoscoper\build-test\Autoscoper-build\libautoscoper\libautoscoper.vcxproj] [C:\SAM\Autoscoper\build-test\Autoscoper.vcxproj]

copy of #1215-D:

C:\SAM\Autoscoper\libautoscoper\src\gpu\cuda\ warning #1215-D: function "tex2D(texture<T, 2, cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat>, float, float) [with T=unsigned char]" [C:\SAM\Autoscoper\build-test\Autoscoper-build\libautoscoper\libautoscoper.vcxproj] [C:\SAM\Autoscoper\build-test\Autosco


Fixed in PR #44

Warning # of Occurrences File(s) Link to Docs
MSB8065 13 all calls to shader_to_headers converting .cl to .cl.h No official Microsoft Docs

Warning seems to be caused by the shader_to_header creating a file with the extension but the program is looking for just example.h.

Copy of one of the warnings:

 Generating BackgroundRenderer.h
    -- Converting gpu/opencl/kernel/ to C:/SAM/Autoscoper/build-test/Autoscoper-build/libautoscope

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(247,5): w
arning MSB8065: Custom build for item "C:\SAM\Autoscoper\build-test\Autoscoper-build\CMakeFiles\5a64e70afe57404e94303d8
7ad075ff6\BackgroundRenderer.h.rule" succeeded, but specified output "c:\sam\autoscoper\build-test\autoscoper-build\lib
autoscoper\backgroundrenderer.h" has not been created. This may cause incremental build to work incorrectly. [C:\SAM\Au
toscoper\build-test\Autoscoper-build\libautoscoper\shader_to_header.vcxproj] [C:\SAM\Autoscoper\build-test\Autoscoper.v


Cuda was last updated in August of 2020 127b063 OpenCL was last updated in April of 2018 fe02d20


According to Ben Birdsong:

Anecdotally, I’ve found it easier to build and distribute packages for OpenCL than CUDA. ITKVkFFTBackend builds against the Khronos Group’s OpenCL-ICD-Loader which finds a compatible OpenCL distribution to load on the client system. Note that CUDA typically limits user hardware to NVIDIA devices while OpenCL is platform agnostic.



OpenCL defines an Installable Client Driver (ICD) mechanism to allow developers to build applications against an Installable Client Driver loader (ICD loader) rather than linking their applications against a specific OpenCL implementation. The ICD Loader is responsible for:

  • Exporting OpenCL API entry points
  • Enumerating OpenCL implementations
  • Forwarding OpenCL API calls to the correct implementation
  • This repo contains the source code and tests for the Khronos official OpenCL ICD Loader.

Note that this repo does not contain an OpenCL implementation (ICD). You will need to obtain and install an OpenCL implementation for your OpenCL device that supports the OpenCL ICD extension cl_khr_icd to run an application using the OpenCL ICD Loader.

The OpenCL Installable Client Driver extension (cl_khr_icd) is described in the OpenCL extensions specification, which may be found on the Khronos OpenCL Registry.

Basic usage in cmake (from the OpenCL-ICD-Loader repo ):

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
cmake_policy(VERSION 3.0...3.18.4)
add_executable(app main.cpp)
find_package(OpenCLHeaders REQUIRED)
find_package(OpenCLICDLoader REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(app PRIVATE OpenCL::Headers OpenCL::OpenCL)


OS/Backend CUDA OpenCL
Windows CUDA tk, Visual Studio, Update GPU drivers, Update PATH Shipped w/ (May need to update GPU drivers)
Linux CUDA tk, gcc, Correct kernal, MLNX_OFED, package manager Shipped w/ (May need to update GPU drivers)
MacOS CUDA tk, Xcode, command line tools OSX > 10.6 is shipped with OpenCL
NOTES CUDA is not on M1/2 macs or any RISC/ARM CPUs

Time analysis

Time were recorded by timing the optimize method in the tracker class. Both OpenCL and CUDA had 800 tracks performed. The following is the result of running this script.

CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11850H @ 2.50GHz GPU: NVIDIA RTX A2000 Laptop GPU RAM: 32GB OS: Windows 11 Pro 64-bit

Average CUDA: 9.18217857142857 OpenCL: 10.284844221105526 Median CUDA: 9.023 OpenCL: 10.1995 Standard Deviation CUDA: 0.9538181864603326 OpenCL: 1.1481717995852314

Welch's T Test: t-statistic: -20.7770213974207 p-value: 1.0891601943552252e-84 There is significant difference between CUDA and OpenCL

Cuda Opencl
Cuda Opencl
jcfr commented 1 year ago

OSX > 10.6 is shipped with OpenCL

After talking with @thewtex, it seems the version shipped on macOS is OpenCL 1.2 (see ITKVkFFTBackend/CMakeLists.txt) and current GPU integration effort are focusing on Metal.

jcfr commented 1 year ago


The is available in the SegmentComparison module.

Implementation available in vtkSlicerSegmentComparisonModuleLogic::ComputeHausdorffDistances through plastimatch/util/hausdorff_distance.h

NicerNewerCar commented 1 year ago

Hdist info

BardiyaAk commented 1 year ago