BrownBiomechanics / SlicerAutoscoperM

This 3D Slicer extension enables users to perform image registration.
MIT License
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ENH: Support importing pre-existing cameras in automatic VRG generation #104

Open jcfr opened 2 weeks ago

jcfr commented 2 weeks ago
Before After (Automatic) After (Load from directory)
image image image
jcfr commented 2 weeks ago
Before After (Automatic) After (Load from directory)
image image image
jcfr commented 2 weeks ago

@amymmorton Could you confirm that the proposed design would address your use case ?


amymmorton commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, this looks like a great enhancment to meet the request - thanls @jcfr

jcfr commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the feedback, I will move forward with the proposed approach :rocket: