BrownBiomechanics / SlicerAutoscoperM

This 3D Slicer extension enables users to perform image registration.
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Auto Segmentation - initialize threshold value by histogram of density values #60

Open amymmorton opened 9 months ago

amymmorton commented 9 months ago

In pursuit of an automated vrg generation for multiple volumes in batch #59 .. we'd want to autorun segmentations- the hu threshold vlaue is currently static- and could be initialized by some X% peak density value ?

NicerNewerCar commented 9 months ago

Definitely! This is a great idea, there are also quite a lot of ideas that I have related to improving the segmentation algorithm that I am planning on testing out once the 3D and 4D CT work gets integrated!

amymmorton commented 9 months ago

Also- is it possible to have the Segmentation named in association with the volume-node?

NicerNewerCar commented 9 months ago

Yes, this is something that I was already planning on adding because Segmentation and Segmentation_1 are terrible names.

amymmorton commented 9 months ago

lol agreed