BrownBiomechanics / SlicerAutoscoperM

This 3D Slicer extension enables users to perform image registration.
MIT License
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ENH: Update Autoscoper with Quaternion support #82

Closed jcfr closed 4 months ago

jcfr commented 4 months ago

In addition of UI fix related to volume selection, it also fixes the use of the "delete" key for removing a pose on a frame.

List of Autoscoper changes:

$ git shortlog 22b1a41e0..4d2eec33f --no-merges
Anthony Lombardi (3):
      BUG: Fix Volume item selection area
      ENH: Reenable original delete functionality
      ENH: Update interpolation to use Quaternions rather than eulers (#255)

Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (7):
      STYLE: Remove redundant header guard from "Socket.h"
      STYLE: Improve C++ source files formatting using uncrustify
      ENH: Add clang-format configuration & associated exceptions
      STYLE: Consistent formatting of C++ sources using clang-format
      ENH: Update pre-commit config to include "clang-format"
      STYLE: Ignore source files formatting changes in blame history
      STYLE: Cleanup clang-format configuration files

Fixed Autoscoper issues:

Related Autoscoper pull requests: