Closed gully closed 12 months ago
The referee also aluded to this prospect. We discuss it in the paper. A full-blown TTV side project is beyond the scope of the time we have available, and so I'd encourage other authors to investigate it in the future!
Gummi asked about why our ephemeris constraint is weaker than Zhou et al. 2017. Could be a few reasons, but I think principally their (2005-2013) time baseline is longer than "merely" our 5 Sectors of TESS. We could and should use the archival data to fit a highly precise ephemeris spanning that entire time baseline of almost 20 years, which would be awesome.
Previously I had contemplated a side project (also done in Zhou et al. 2017), to fit TTVs. With the much longer baseline, a non-detection of TTVs could give us a constraint on mass loss rates.
Morgan pointed out that it depends on the specific angular moment of the material that is lost. Still, we could model this.