BrowserSync / browser-sync

Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites.
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VVV and Gulp BrowserSync outputs a useless (?) public IP #1245

Open kevinmamaqi opened 7 years ago

kevinmamaqi commented 7 years ago

Issue details

I am running VVV, (just installed) for theme development using gulp altogether with Gulp-BrowserSync (and other npm packages).

In VVV I've created a new WP install called organic with as URL. It is working fine.

In my gulpfile.js I got the following BrowserSync task:

    gulp.task( 'browser-sync', function() {
      browserSync.init( {

        // For more options
        // @link

        // Project URL.
        proxy: projectURL,

        // `true` Automatically open the browser with BrowserSync live server.
        // `false` Stop the browser from automatically opening.
        open: true,

        // Inject CSS changes.
        // Commnet it to reload browser for every CSS change.
        injectChanges: true,

        // Use a specific port (instead of the one auto-detected by Browsersync).
        // port: 7000,

      } );

When I initiate GULP (login via vagrant ssh) in the working folder everything runs and I receive the following message:


BS] Proxying:
[BS] Access URLs:
       Local: http://localhost:3000
          UI: http://localhost:3001
 UI External:

The problem is that http://localhost:3000 is not accesible from Chrome or Safari and that is a public (and useless as far as I know) IP. Running ifconfig in vagrant@vvv I receive the following prompt:

vagrant@vvv:~$ ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:67:05:88
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

and also the working localhost IP, which is:

eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:4e:59:e0
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

It took me a while to realise and find what's going on, but the problem is that I still don't understand it. I think that is an error and should be solved.

Steps to reproduce/test case

  1. Install Vagrant
  2. Install VVV
  3. Create new WP installation with VVV wizard (VV).
  4. Set up your tasks in gulpfile.js in a custom theme in order to use gulp and browser-sync
  5. Run gulp

Please specify which version of Browsersync, node and npm you're running

Affected platforms

Browsersync use-case

If CLI, please paste the entire command below

{cli command here}

for all other use-cases, (gulp, grunt etc), please show us exactly how you're using Browsersync

gulp.task( 'browser-sync', function() {

    // For more options
    // @link

    // Project URL.
    proxy: projectURL,

    // `true` Automatically open the browser with BrowserSync live server.
    // `false` Stop the browser from automatically opening.
    open: true,

    // Inject CSS changes.
    // Commnet it to reload browser for every CSS change.
    injectChanges: true,

    // Use a specific port (instead of the one auto-detected by Browsersync).
    // port: 7000,

simshanith commented 7 years ago

If you enable Vagrant port-forwarding, your VMs ports will be accessible from your host, allowing http://localhost:3000 to be accessible when running browser-sync in your VM.

abdihaikal commented 7 years ago

Have you try:

options.localOnly = true;

juricazuanovic commented 7 years ago

Like @simshanith wrote, you need to uncomment port forwarding in Vagrant file

and change it to: "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 3000

and then run vagrant reload or vagrant up. After that, you can use browser-sync on address

This worked for me on Windows 10 with VVV.

coffeeneed commented 7 years ago

Isn't possible to run Browsersync on the host machine? If so, how?