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web discord seems to be broken. only blank page #145

Open rlesch opened 1 year ago

rlesch commented 1 year ago

when opening discord, all what it does is showing a blank page after login. tested with latest waterfox classic and all addons disabled.

robbely commented 1 year ago

Same issue here - latest waterfox classic 2022.06, blank page after login or when visiting a discord channel.

buttercookie42 commented 1 year ago

Any particular errors that stand out in the developer tools' console?

zomabies commented 1 year ago

The error that happens on waterfox classic 2022.06. It seems that discord used BigInt literal in their script in the screenshot. SyntaxError: identifier starts immediately after numeric literal[Learn More] 7741e9f24248b43c1ed0.js:1770:51

bigint To workaround this I have remove all the BigInt literal, then copy the edited script to load in TamperMonkey. It loads but the UI color is weird. waterfox_2022-08-01_23-37-50

reallyuniquename commented 1 year ago

Polly has a BigInt polyfill. Try that.

robbely commented 1 year ago

Polly has a BigInt polyfill. Try that.

I tried this - but no change - still a blank page.

I have remove all the BigInt literal, then copy the edited script to load in TamperMonkey. It loads but the UI color is weird.

Do you have the user.js handy? Weird UI is better than no UI until this is resolved

zomabies commented 1 year ago

Do you have the user.js handy? Weird UI is better than no UI until this is resolved

Edit: Discord seems to be working now without the workaround. Disable the workaround if is in use to prevent error. Since Discord changed their script quite often, it is not viable to post the whole script and steps are provided below.

(Future update of discord might break it, do this at your own peril)

Click to expand! 1. Prepare a Tampermonkey script with the content below ```js // ==UserScript== // @name Discord edited (BigInt) // @namespace a // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match*/* // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function () { /* paste the copied script below */ })(); ``` 2. Search for failing script and obtain its URL: On the developer console, you can click on the `.js` and it will open a "view source" tab with the URL. ![console picture]( 3. With the URL, you can execute the script in console to help automate the replacement process or manually perform it. > ```js > var discordAssetLink = "The URL of the script obtained in previous step"; > var result; > > fetch(discordAssetLink, {mode: "no-cors"}) > .then((response) => { > console.log("Read success"); > return response.text(); > }) > .then((data) => data.replace(/([ <])(\d+)n/g, "$1BigInt($2)")) // regex > .then((edited) => { > result = edited; > console.log("Script edit success"); > }); > ``` > When the script perform successfully, execute ` copy(result)` on developer console to copy it to clipboard. For manual replacement, save the page and edit it. Text editor with regex search and replace function is recommended. > Search: `([ <])(\d+)n` > Substitution: `$1BigInt($2)` 4. After copied, paste and save in the prepared userscript in step 1 (it will take some time for both operation) and refresh the page.
robbely commented 1 year ago

If I try the automated method I get the error in console "TypeError: The URL of the script obtained in previous step is not a valid URL." If I try the manual method (I used notepad++ regex replace), I still get a blank page when I refresh :(

EDIT: seems like this only works with Tampermonkey, I was trying it with Greasemonkey - got it working now - many thanks :)

robbely commented 1 year ago

Seems broken again after the last Waterfox update (2022.08), I haven't tried the above workaround again yet.

Is someone working on a proper fix for this? I'm not a developer but BigInt seems well documented (eg in the BigInt section of the Polly github page).

hockeymikey commented 1 year ago

Polly didn't help in my case either.

hockeymikey commented 1 year ago Contains info about bigint implementation.

decembre commented 9 months ago

Waterfox Classic: Suddenly Discord became blank....

Trying "Polly" and User Agent tweak: no results.

Have you a new solution?

walmar commented 9 months ago

@decembre There is a user script that might work: #p244333 - becomes blank - Pale Moon forum

decembre commented 9 months ago

@decembre There is a user script that might work: #p244333 - becomes blank - Pale Moon forum

Tested and approved!

and thank to wicknix » 2023-10-07 for this userscript: Fix Discord on TenFourFox, Firefox 52 ESR, and other old browser versions

many thanks walmar :-)

decembre commented 9 months ago

An identical solution for Mozilla addon site ?

Many function don't work now with Waterfox Classic. By example click on screenshots don't open its lightbox. Or "Same extensions by this dev" stay in infinite landing state

robbely commented 9 months ago

@decembre There is a user script that might work: #p244333 - becomes blank - Pale Moon forum

Unfortunately with this fix I seem to have to log in again every time I open

EDIT: I lose my login when I refresh the page too - not sure if this is a discord thing or related to the fix, is anyone else experiencing this?

decembre commented 9 months ago

EDIT: I lose my login when I refresh the page too - not sure if this is a discord thing or related to the fix, is anyone else experiencing this?

Yes, that's the same thing for me. But i don't matter: I have an addon - "Secure Login" - which present a menu to chose which name use (i have only one here) and fill my password in the form... That's fast, so it's just a small inconvenient, for me..... :-)

robbely commented 9 months ago

Yes, that's the same thing for me. But i don't matter: I have an addon - "Secure Login" - which present a menu to chose which name use (i have only one here) and fill my password in the form... That's fast, so it's just a small inconvenient, for me..... :-)

Many thanks for the confirmation and the add-on recommendation :)

Since this started with using the script, I think one of the linked .js scripts might be forcing the relogin or altering the cookies. I tried disabling the .js scripts one at a time, but as expected all 3 (and the .css) are needed for this to work.

decembre commented 8 months ago

Hmmm seems Dicord rework normally without the Userscript's fix....?? :-)

decembre commented 8 months ago

But Github not perfectly: I can't re edit my last comment.... When i click on 2 dots menu; error message ' Sorry Something went wrong"

robbely commented 8 months ago

Hmmm seems Dicord rework normally without the Userscript's fix....?? :-)

I guess whatever Discord changed, they changed back :) - I'd rather the white background than have to login each time (not sure if Discord would get suspicious of many logins)

But Github not perfectly: I can't re edit my last comment.... When i click on 2 dots menu; error message ' Sorry Something went wrong"

Yes Waterfox and Github seem to have been at war for some time. I have to use a different browser to edit comments.

decembre commented 8 months ago

I can't re edit my last comment.... When i click on 2 dots menu; error message ' Sorry Something went wrong" I use for that (it helped a lot before): GitHub/GitLab Web Components Polyfill "GitHub/GitLab Web Components Polyfill ensures that all GitHub and GitLab scripts required for UXP and SeaMonkey are loaded correctly."

I send it a request : Waterfox Classic: some problem (edit comment / Issues loading...) #73