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"Current" version fails to retain prefs #1236

Closed Telmesomething closed 3 years ago

Telmesomething commented 4 years ago

After spending about an hour configuring a fresh "Current" installation it failed to retain my prefs and everything has reverted to default again after being shutdown. This means I've got the (ugly) dark theme back again and the default settings some of which I don't want such as "Recommend extensions as you browse" and "Recommend features as you browse" have been re-enabled. Easy enough to switch to a light theme again I know, but the new browser should respect a user's settings and not take it upon itself to undo all the hard work.

In addition I'd installed 23 extensions of which only two remain. Also, one extension which I didn't install namely Video Download Helper 7.3.6 has been installed, but disabled. Here's a screenshot:

Extensions removed

On the other hand all the about:config changes I made have been retained so at least I don't have to trawl through that lot again.

But obviously the other mishaps need to be addressed a.s.a.p.

My system: Windows 8.1 Home (fully patched) running on an Intel i5 CPU. Laptop is an Acer Aspire V3-772G purchased in February 2014. It's also an Optimus system which means it contains two video cards. The Intel 4600 handles menial tasks which don't require a load of graphics processing power while the Nvidia GT 750M kicks in automatically when required.

laniakea64 commented 4 years ago

Could Waterfox have switched profiles on you? What do you have in about:profiles?

grahamperrin commented 4 years ago

Did you use both the soft launch and hard launch builds of Waterfox Current 2019.10?

The soft was the installer that disappeared. The hard was the identically named installer for the same version that later appeared.

Also please visit:

What are the names of the profiles?

Telmesomething commented 4 years ago

I updated Classic using the About:Firefox option since auto-update has been disabled (by me). I subsequently downloaded Current via the releases site.

This morning I totally gave up on Current and decided to uninstall it. Unfortunately there's seems to have been some interaction between Current and Classic whereby the add-ons I had installed in Classic were removed as well along with the customizations I'd created. In that respect I have four profiles which I use. I keep one solely for online banking, another one for a specific site I buy a lot of stuff from (, the 3rd one for online tax returns and the 4th for general purposes. This latter one survived intact while the others were all returned to default settings. The one used for online banking could no longer login anymore. The profile for Zalando couldn't login either.

My solution so far has been to run Windows System Restore several times until finding one which works. Oddly enough, after restoring to a manual point prior to installing Current those settings appeared in About Waterfox Classic i.e. 2019.10. I can't figure out how that could happen bearing in mind that Current hadn't been installed at that point (?).

After running SR once again WF in now back to 56.2.13 and I can login to my bank a/c again.


I've been through the registry, but can't find any settings for Current so I presume it's gone.

Since I can't afford not to have access to my bank a/c I'm going to leave Current well alone until a stable version is released.

Many thanks anyway to those who took the time to try and help.

Telmesomething commented 4 years ago

Just noticed a request for build ID for another user so thought I would post that here in case it helps: Build ID 20190902231505

grahamperrin commented 4 years ago

@Telmesomething big thanks for beta testing Waterfox Current.

Now, reading between the lines.

With Waterfox Classic (56.2.14 or 2019.10):

Like this, but with different names for your profiles:


Telmesomething commented 4 years ago

Hi Graham,

Yes I use the Profile Manager all the time using different names to identify each of them. They're called respectively "Waternet" (used originally to login to the local council utility to pay my water bill, but has now become my main profile), "ING" (bank account), "22-January-2019" (old profile I don't use anymore), "Zalando" (used for buying stuff from that company based in Germany) and "NOS WK" to watch football on Dutch TV. With the exception of Classic Theme Restorer used to place tabs below the location bar the only profile which has a large number of addons installed is the first one (Waternet). WF is configured to delete all the options such as browsing history, cache, cookies etc., in all the other three profiles. In that respect it's impossible to login to any of the sites the profiles have been created for unless third party cookies, trackers etc., are enabled. My solution to that is to delete everything when I close those particular profiles.

When I first installed Current it appears to have created a new profile without a description i.e. there was just a blank line in the Profile Manager, but the Classic profiles were all visible.

I have a peculiar problem with Zalando in that I can't login even though I use a password manager (Keepass) to store and copy/paste passwords. The error message in the image translated says "Sorry, something went wrong, but we're working on it. Try again later". Zalando support's only solution is to ask me to change my password again. I've done that 13 times already since the beginning of the year. I've already verified that the password length and characters used are entirely up to me.


grahamperrin commented 4 years ago


When I first installed Current it appears to have created a new profile without a description i.e. there was just a blank line in the Profile Manager,

– I haven't seen any other comparable report.

Please: did you ever use Waterfox Current Waterfox Profile Manager to open any of the four Waterfox Classic profiles (Waternet, ING, 22-January-2019, Zalando)?

Vice versa, did you at any time use Waterfox Classic Waterfox Profile Manager to open the one Waterfox Current profile?

Telmesomething commented 4 years ago

Please: did you ever use Waterfox Current Waterfox Profile Manager to open any of the four Waterfox Classic profiles

No, to both questions.

grahamperrin commented 4 years ago

No, to both questions.

🥇 for taking such great care.

So. Other possible explanations for the symptoms in your case …

… I didn't install … Video Download Helper 7.3.6 … installed, but disabled.

Video DownloadHelper version history all versions require Firefox Quantum i.e. 57.⋯ and the 57 pretence in 56-based Waterfox Classic means that you might have installed Version Video DownloadHelper 7.0.0 or later in one of your four profiles for Waterfox Classic.

When I last asked, the import/migration routine was not yet automated for Waterfox Current. @MrAlex94 please, is that still true? Or does the wizard start automatically, since 2019.10 and 2019.10 use a single profiles.ini file?

Telmesomething commented 4 years ago

Video DownloadHelper version history all versions require Firefox Quantum i.e. 57.⋯ and the 57 pretence in 56-based Waterfox Classic means that you might have installed Version Video DownloadHelper 7.0.0 or later in one of your four profiles for Waterfox Classic.

That's correct. I have video-downloadhelper 6.3.3. installed in my main profile. I would have thought though that the Current installation would be a barebones affair meaning that no addons at all should have been installed. The fact that 7.3.6 was installed would seem to indicate that the Current version peruses the Classic installation extensions folder and installs addons which would be compliant with the new version. If it does that does it also copy about:config prefs which the user has enabled in the Classic version and enables them in Current? If so could any of them interfere with the operation of the new version?

That still doesn't explain why Current would choose to remove 21 addons which had been installed via Mozilla AMO. Similarly, why were defaults re-enabled including "Recommend features as you browse" for example. I forgot to mention before that the default search engines were reinstated along with the other default settings. I'd only installed one search engine myself which was But that had been deleted as well.

One other thing I didn't like was the "Visit" and "Search with" being present in Current. Those two settings are especially irritating. In that respect surely MrAlex94 doesn't have to follow everything Mozilla does?

grahamperrin commented 4 years ago

… I'd installed 23 extensions of which only two remain. …

… why Current would choose to remove 21 addons …

Are the 23 still in your main profile in Waterfox Classic? If so, please let us have troubleshooting information from that profile.

With Waterfox Classic running and using the 23-add-on profile, please use the Copy text to clipboard button at:

Browser identification

From above:


That's not a match for anything at or near,-announcements-and-downloads#201910-current and – critically – given the September date of the build, it can not be any 2019.10 release of Waterfox Current.

Your opening post mentioned a fresh "Current" installation, now I wonder whether it was truly fresh at the time. It's possible/likely that an outdated installer or installation was used. What was its origin?

Telmesomething commented 4 years ago

As regards the installer I downloaded it from the Waterfox blog/Releases page after reading about it in this article. Since the article is dated 25/10 the download must have taken place sometime after that.

However, I wasn't paying attention at the time and inadvertently downloaded the Classic installer instead of the Current one. Needless to say after running that I lost all my profiles. That led me to running Win 8.1 System Restore several times until 2019.10 didn't reappear in the "About Waterfox" menu.

It wasn't until several days later that I went back to the Releases page and scrolled further down the page that I discovered the Current installer. I assume it was up to date but I've no way of knowing if that's true or not I'm afraid.

Last but not least here's the troubleshooting info you requested.

``Application Basics

Name: Waterfox Version: 2019.10 Build ID: 20191022125504 Update Channel: release User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0 Waterfox/56.3 OS: Windows_NT 6.3 Multiprocess Windows: 0/1 (Disabled) Web Content Processes: Stylo: false (disabled by default) Google Key: Missing Mozilla Location Service Key: Missing Safe Mode: false

Waterfox Features


Name: Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy Version: 1.3.8 Enabled: true ID: {9350bc42-47fb-4598-ae0f-825e3dd9ceba}

Name: Add to Search Bar Version: 2.9 Enabled: true ID:

Name: Behind The Overlay Version: 0.1.6 Enabled: true ID: jid1-Y3WfE7td45aWDw@jetpack

Name: CanvasBlocker Version: 0.4.4b Enabled: true ID:

Name: Classic Theme Restorer Version: Enabled: true ID: ClassicThemeRestorer@ArisT2Noia4dev

Name: Close Tab By Double Click Version: 1.14.1-signed.1-signed Enabled: true ID: close@doubleclick

Name: Context Search Version: 0.6.4 Enabled: true ID: {902D2C4A-457A-4EF9-AD43-7014562929FF}

Name: CSS Exfil Protection Version: 1.0.17 Enabled: true ID: {7fc8ef53-24ec-4205-87a4-1e745953bb0d}

Name: Decentraleyes Version: 2.0.13 Enabled: true ID: jid1-BoFifL9Vbdl2zQ@jetpack

Name: google redirect rewrite remover Version: 0.7 Enabled: true ID: jid1-29GIO3byutyhpw@jetpack

Name: Google search link fix Version: 1.6.8 Enabled: true ID: jid0-XWJxt5VvCXkKzQK99PhZqAn7Xbg@jetpack

Name: HTTPS Everywhere Version: 2019.6.4 Enabled: true ID:

Name: I don't care about cookies Version: 3.0.5 Enabled: true ID: jid1-KKzOGWgsW3Ao4Q@jetpack

Name: Image Max URL Version: 0.11.9 Enabled: true ID: maxurl@qsniyg

Name: Legibility Version: 2.0.4 Enabled: true ID: {4fe52e6f-3e1a-471a-a32f-193dbc3c647d}

Name: No Coin - Block miners on the web! Version: 0.4.13 Enabled: true ID: {5657c026-efc3-4860-b43b-16e4eaa8a9aa}

Name: No Resource URI Leak Version: 1.1.0 Enabled: true ID: @no-resource-uri-leak

Name: Privacy Badger Version: 2019.10.28 Enabled: true ID: jid1-MnnxcxisBPnSXQ@jetpack

Name: ReminderFox Version: Enabled: true ID: {ada4b710-8346-4b82-8199-5de2b400a6ae}

Name: Self-Destructing Cookies Version: 0.4.12 Enabled: true ID: jid0-9XfBwUWnvPx4wWsfBWMCm4Jj69E@jetpack

Name: Status-4-Evar Version: 2017.08.20.15 Enabled: true ID:

Name: Thumbnail Zoom Plus Version: 4.2 Enabled: true ID:

Name: uBlock Origin Version: 1.23.0 Enabled: true ID:

Name: Classic Add-ons Archive Version: 2.0.1 Enabled: false ID: ca-archive@Off.JustOff

Name: User-Agent Switcher Version: 1.3.15 Enabled: false ID:

Name: Video DownloadHelper Version: 6.3.3 Enabled: false ID: {b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d}


Features Compositing: Basic Asynchronous Pan/Zoom: none WebGL 1 Driver WSI Info: - WebGL 1 Driver Renderer: WebGL is currently disabled. WebGL 1 Driver Version: - WebGL 1 Driver Extensions: - WebGL 1 Extensions: - WebGL 2 Driver WSI Info: - WebGL 2 Driver Renderer: WebGL is currently disabled. WebGL 2 Driver Version: - WebGL 2 Driver Extensions: - WebGL 2 Extensions: - DirectWrite: true (6.3.9600.19457) GPU #1 Active: Yes Description: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 Vendor ID: 0x8086 Device ID: 0x0416 Driver Version: Driver Date: 8-16-2018 Drivers: igdumdim64 igd10iumd64 igd10iumd64 igdumdim32 igd10iumd32 igd10iumd32 Subsys ID: 07811025 RAM: Unknown GPU #2 Active: No Description: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M Vendor ID: 0x10de Device ID: 0x0fe4 Driver Version: Driver Date: 2-20-2019 Drivers: nvd3dumx,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2umx nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um Subsys ID: 07811025 RAM: 4096 Diagnostics ClearType Parameters: Gamma: 2.2 Pixel Structure: RGB ClearType Level: 100 Enhanced Contrast: 400 AzureCanvasAccelerated: 0 AzureCanvasBackend: skia AzureContentBackend: skia AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: cairo ClearType Parameters: Gamma: 2.2 Pixel Structure: RGB ClearType Level: 100 Enhanced Contrast: 400 Decision Log HW_COMPOSITING: disabled by user: Disabled by pref D3D11_COMPOSITING: unavailable by default: Hardware compositing is disabled DIRECT2D: unavailable by default: Direct2D requires Direct3D 11 compositing D3D11_HW_ANGLE: unavailable by default: D3D11 compositing is disabled disabled by env: D3D11 compositing is disabled GPU_PROCESS: unavailable by default: Multi-process mode is not enabled WEBRENDER: opt-in by default: WebRender is an opt-in feature unavailable by runtime: ANGLE is disabled


Audio Backend: wasapi Max Channels: 2 Preferred Channel Layout: stereo Preferred Sample Rate: 48000 Output Devices Name: Group Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio): HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0282&SUBSYS_10250781&REV_1000\4&2e4824cd&0&0001 Input Devices Name: Group Stereo Mix (Realtek High Definition Audio): HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0282&SUBSYS_10250781&REV_1000\4&2e4824cd&0&0001 Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio): HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0282&SUBSYS_10250781&REV_1000\4&2e4824cd&0&0001 Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio): HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0282&SUBSYS_10250781&REV_1000\4&2e4824cd&0&0001 Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio): HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0282&SUBSYS_10250781&REV_1000\4&2e4824cd&0&0001

Important Modified Preferences

accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar: 0 browser.cache.disk.capacity: 358400 browser.cache.disk.filesystem_reported: 1 browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run: false browser.cache.frecency_experiment: 1 browser.display.use_document_fonts: 0 false browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion: 8 false true browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo: 1 browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash: false browser.sessionstore.upgradeBackup.latestBuildID: MOZ_BUILDID browser.startup.homepage: about:blank browser.startup.homepage_override.buildID: MOZ_BUILDID browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone: 56.3 browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab: false browser.tabs.remote.autostart: false browser.tabs.warnOnClose: false browser.urlbar.lastSuggestionsPromptDate: 20180918 browser.urlbar.maxRichResults: 4 browser.urlbar.oneOffSearches: false browser.urlbar.searchSuggestionsChoice: false browser.urlbar.suggest.openpage: false browser.urlbar.suggest.searches: false browser.urlbar.timesBeforeHidingSuggestionsHint: 2 dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled: false dom.webnotifications.enabled: false extensions.lastAppVersion: 56.3 font.minimum-size.x-western: 9 Arial Arial font.size.fixed.x-western: 11 font.size.variable.x-western: 14 gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.appVersion: 56.2.6 gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.deviceID: 0x0416 gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.driverVersion: gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.feature-d2d: true gfx.crash-guard.d3d11layers.feature-d3d11: true gfx.crash-guard.status.d3d11layers: 2 gfx.crash-guard.status.d3d11video: 2 image.animation_mode: once layers.acceleration.disabled: true layers.mlgpu.sanity-test-failed: false media.autoplay.enabled: false media.gmp-gmpopenh264.abi: x86_64-msvc-x64 media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastUpdate: 1566494339 media.gmp-gmpopenh264.version: 1.8.1 media.gmp-manager.buildID: MOZ_BUILDID media.gmp-manager.lastCheck: 1572615732 1 media.hardware-video-decoding.failed: false media.navigator.enabled: false media.peerconnection.enabled: false true 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storage.vacuum.last.places.sqlite: 1570198983 ui.osk.debug.keyboardDisplayReason: IKPOS: Touch screen not found. webgl.disabled: true

Important Locked Preferences

Places Database


Incremental GC: true


Activated: false Prevent Accessibility: 0 Accessible Handler Used: true

Library Versions

NSPR Expected minimum version: 4.16 Version in use: 4.16

NSS Expected minimum version: 3.34 Version in use: 3.34

NSSSMIME Expected minimum version: 3.34 Version in use: 3.34

NSSSSL Expected minimum version: 3.34 Version in use: 3.34

NSSUTIL Expected minimum version: 3.34 Version in use: 3.34

Experimental Features


Content Process Sandbox Level: 1 Effective Content Process Sandbox Level: 1