Broxxar / GlowingObjectOutlines

A technique for Glowing Object Outlines in Unity.
The Unlicense
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Cmd Glow not working #1

Closed jeffom closed 7 years ago

jeffom commented 7 years ago

I cloned the repository and tried to play the cmd_buffer_variant scene, all objects names were empty and I couldnt play the scene right after cloning. So after setting up the mats and scene i tried to play it but it only showed a purple blur ( i think that the texture was not set correctly to for the blurr ), could I have more instructions about the configuration of the scene and the glow controller to make my scene work?

Broxxar commented 7 years ago

Sounds like an issue with files not getting checked in or serialized properly, I'll double check what a fresh clone of the repo looks like on my end.

Also which version of Unity are you using?

jeffom commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm using Unity 5.3.5p7

jeffom commented 7 years ago

Also I tried to build the scene using an iOS device, but the glowing effect just stays white and it only shows on the cylinder, do you know why?

Broxxar commented 7 years ago

Can't speak to how this would work on mobile. The code uses Mouse Enter/Exit messages and wasn't intended to use out-of-box on mobile.

jeffom commented 7 years ago

I modified the GlowObject to always show the glow

Broxxar commented 7 years ago

The project will only open properly in Unity versions 5.5 or later. Confirmed that objects names appear blank and scene does not function in Unity 5.3 , because presumably Unity does not support backwards compatibility.

Closing this issue.