TaskNest is a user-friendly productivity app designed to help individuals and teams manage their tasks efficiently and effectively. With a focus on organization, prioritization, and collaboration, TaskNest provides a cozy and intuitive environment for users to keep track of their responsibilities and achieve their goals.
As a User, I can view my tasks, so that I can manage and organize my tasks better
AC1: Display all tasks
AC2: Display the due date besides it
AC3: Display the category
AC4: Display an icon if the task has attachments
AC5: Display the priority
AC6: Organize in Open, In Progress and add a button to see all Completed tasks
As a User, I can view my tasks, so that I can manage and organize my tasks better
AC1: Display all tasks AC2: Display the due date besides it AC3: Display the category AC4: Display an icon if the task has attachments AC5: Display the priority AC6: Organize in Open, In Progress and add a button to see all Completed tasks