Open BloodLemonS opened 3 years ago
Hi, no problem. I am sorry I didn't have the opportunity to check what's wrong with your other issue related to g2o yet. I am getting ready for my PhD defense and will have more time after that. I think the DIS optical flow has been moved from #include <opencv2/optflow.hpp> in OpenCV 3.x.x to #include <opencv2/video/tracking.hpp> in OpenCV 4.x.x. Maybe juste changing the header can fix your issue.
Thank you very much for your reply. I have solved the above mistakes, but I still have the following mistakes when I make, so I don't know how to solve them: ptxas error : Entry function '_ZN3cub30DeviceRadixSortDownsweepKernelINS_21DeviceRadixSortPolicyIiN6thrust5tupleI6float3S4_4int25Mat334Cov36float2fNS2_9null_typeES9_S9_EEiE9Policy700ELb0ELb0EiSA_iEEvPKT2_PSD_PKT3_PSH_PT4_SL_iiNS_13GridEvenShareISL_EE' uses too much shared data (0xc300 bytes, 0xc000 max) CMake Error at (message): Error generating file /home/sy/catkin_ws/build/supersufel_fusion/CMakeFiles/sfusion.dir/core/src/./
Hi! I came across the same problems you posted above.
Could you please tell me how did you correct the mistakes?
I'm really sorry to bother you again. There was an error about the file when I compiled. Because my computer has a 3060 graphics card, I installed CUDA11.2 and OpencV is 4.4.0. The following error appears. Since I just got into SLAM, I really don't know how to solve this problem. Look forward to it error: function "getline" cannot be called with the given argument list argument types are: (, std::__cxx11::string)
error: incomplete type is not allowed
error: namespace "cv::optflow" has no member "createOptFlow_DIS
error: identifier "adjacency_list_all" is undefined