when playing NoMap, part of the challenge is to figure what direction you are going in, reseting axis rotation with Gizmo makes it pretty easy to figure out.
I tested a way to go around this by modifying your repo.
basically using this method:
public float GetPlayerYAngel()
if (Player.m_localPlayer == null) return 0f;
float baseAngle = GetAngle(); // This represents the angle step (e.g., 180f / SnapDivisions)
float playerY = Player.m_localPlayer.transform.eulerAngles.y; // Get player's Y rotation in degrees (0 to 360)
// Calculate the closest multiplier for the given base angle
float multiplier = Mathf.Round(playerY / baseAngle);
// Return the closest angle
return baseAngle * multiplier;
then at all methods to reset axis or all rotations:
Feel free to fork the mod and publish your own version. It's a bit too much complexity and overhead for a niche use case (especially with config sync) that I consider it out of scope for this mod.
when playing NoMap, part of the challenge is to figure what direction you are going in, reseting axis rotation with Gizmo makes it pretty easy to figure out.
I tested a way to go around this by modifying your repo. basically using this method:
then at all methods to reset axis or all rotations:
this sets resets the Y axis to the closest angle wherever the player face, so it cannot be used to determin north.
added also this in player patches:
to set initial rotation to players direction too. so if you try to restart game, you wont have y = 0
If this could be added as an option (with server locked config sync), that would be really great.