Brummi / VRCamera

Implementation of a VR camera for LibGDX. It is easy to use, works only with LibGDX libraries and cames with a head tracker.
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Which VR hardwares are supported #1

Open xeoshow opened 8 years ago

xeoshow commented 8 years ago


This looks like a very good project. Just would like to know if it support google cardboard, HTC Vive, Oculus? Or Which VR hardwares are supported?


Best regards, Jason

Brummi commented 8 years ago

Hi Jason,

I mainly programmed this library for mobile devices, that means for Google Cardboard etc.. The Youtube video shows the VRDemo application on my phone (Nexus 4) which is mounted in a Google Cardboard (Tbh not the original one but a more robust "clone" out of plastic. But there should be no difference).

However, that doesn´t mean that it would be not possible to use it for "real" VR Glasses with screens. In my opinion, my main "achievement" in this library was, that the rotations and translations work properly and that the rendering interface is not too complicated. The VRCamera renders both "eyes" into two seperate FrameBuffers. In the current state, the VRCamera gets the "Texture"s of both FrameBuffers and simply renders them on a standard Batch next to each other, which is works for Google Cardboard. I don´t know exactly how you programm for "real" VR Glasses like the HTC Vive since i don´t own one, but if you know how it works, you simply have to edit the VRCamera´s render method and you will have no problem to get my library working with them because you get both eyes as a seperate Texture.

Best regards, Brummi.