Closed labr1005 closed 7 years ago
I think you could do what you want with restrictive condition for the fields. Hide normal fields on specific condions and show a read-only version of the field. Means, you have to create two versions of each field and show only the one or the other, depending on the result of the condition-snippet. It should return 1 to hide the field and an empty string to show the field.
So you're saying that it is already possible to declare a field as readonly? How?
this depends on the TV-type. About which types are you talking about?
Text and Textarea.
Ext has a readOnly - option for textBox and textArea!/api/Ext.form.TextArea-cfg-readOnly but its not used within the TV - input types.
So you have to create a copy of both TV - input - types and add the option ,readOnly : true
For textarea copy this files
Custom input types... Why didn't I have this idea... Thanks!
* @package modx
* @subpackage
class modTemplateVarInputRenderTextReadonly extends modTemplateVarInputRender {
public function getTemplate() {
return 'element/tv/renders/input/textbox-readonly.tpl';
return 'modTemplateVarInputRenderTextReadonly';
<input id="tv{$tv->id}" name="tv{$tv->id}"
type="text" class="textfield"
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
Ext.onReady(function() {
var fld = MODx.load({
xtype: 'textfield'
,readOnly: true
,focusClass: ''
,applyTo: 'tv{$tv->id}'
,width: '99%'
,msgTarget: 'under'
// ]]>
* @package modx
* @subpackage
class modTemplateVarInputRenderTextAreaReadonly extends modTemplateVarInputRender {
public function getTemplate() {
return 'element/tv/renders/input/textarea-readonly.tpl';
return 'modTemplateVarInputRenderTextAreaReadonly';
<textarea id="tv{$tv->id}" name="tv{$tv->id}" rows="15">{$tv->get('value')|escape}</textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
Ext.onReady(function() {
var fld = MODx.load({
xtype: 'textarea'
,readOnly : true
,focusClass: ''
,applyTo: 'tv{$tv->id}'
,value: '{$tv->get('value')|escape:'javascript'}'
,height: 140
,width: '99%'
// ]]>
In your migx config set "Input TV type" to "text-readonly" or "textarea-readonly".
I would call this a "quick and dirty" way, but it works for me. The "proper" way to create custom input types can be found here:
In some cases I want the editor to not be able to edit a special (or all fields) in the update window - in my case it's a MIGXdb grid and update window.
So I wish there was a checkbox or another way to set the input to readonly.
(I see there's a unique id for the update window ("modx-window-mi-grid-update-MyClass") - so another option would be to do this in a plugin an listen to the event the window fires when it opens and set the readonly attributes via javascript. I just don't know which event to listen to...)