Bruno17 / MIGX

MIGX for revo 2.2 and above
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TinymceWrapper not rendering - Please Update documentation #300

Open NiSHoW opened 7 years ago

NiSHoW commented 7 years ago

the Using MIGX with Tinymcewrapper
is needed to rename sample.TinymceWrapperMIGX removing the prefix "sample." to make it work.

I spent one day trying to find out the problem.

ysanmiguel commented 5 years ago

mate I'm having a similar problem, where is that sample.TinymceWrapperMIGX?

thanks mate!

Mayanktaker commented 5 years ago

I also searched everywhere but cant find the sample.TinymceWrapperMIGX. :/

Mayanktaker commented 5 years ago

Ok so I searched and found the solution. You have to create a chunk with name - TinymceWrapperMIGX and then paste this -

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