Bruno17 / MIGX

MIGX for revo 2.2 and above
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Fix check_resid_tv behavior #377

Open udovichenko opened 3 years ago

udovichenko commented 3 years ago


I found that check_resid_tv option was not working as expected.

Expected behavior

I expected that when check_resid is set to @TV and check_resid_TV value is falsy (0 or empty), migxdbTV grid will show all existing items without checking if it is connected to current resource id.


In my project with such setup, function checkForConnectedResource was always returning true, and page with falsy check_resid_TV showed none items. I found out that in old code $check_resid is never falsy, because it can be set to (falsy) $check only if $check is truthy.


After proposed changes migxdb grid in my project works as expected: