BrunoLevy / learn-fpga

Learning FPGA, yosys, nextpnr, and RISC-V
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Not able to get any output from UART using Icestick #63

Open r1cebank opened 2 years ago

r1cebank commented 2 years ago


Thank you for building this awesome project, I am trying to build the softcore for Icestick and run an example program but I am not able to get any UART output. I verified the core built on the Icestick works by uploading a simple program that blinks the LED onboard, but for some unknown reason I can't get the USB serial to output anything. (hello.prog)

I am building from commit: f681e81b1ea41b8d77649df8076121ec009910e3

Here is the config I am using, I've disabled everything except, LED, UART and SPI Flash

`define NRV_IO_LEDS          // Mapped IO, LEDs D1,D2,D3,D4 (D5 is used to display errors)
// `define NRV_IO_IRDA          // In IO_LEDS, support for the IRDA on the IceStick (WIP)
`define NRV_IO_UART          // Mapped IO, virtual UART (USB)
// `define NRV_IO_SSD1351       // Mapped IO, 128x128x64K OLED screen
// `define NRV_IO_MAX7219       // Mapped IO, 8x8 led matrix
`define NRV_MAPPED_SPI_FLASH // SPI flash mapped in address space. Can be used to run code from SPI flash.

Thank You

r1cebank commented 2 years ago

Here is the source code for my test program, the LED blinks but no output in the serial console

#include <femtorv32.h>

int main() {

   while(1) {
     printf("Hello world !!\n Let me introduce myself, I am FemtoRV32, one of the smallest RISC-V cores\n");
     printf("Freq: %d MHz\n", FEMTORV32_FREQ);
     *(volatile uint32_t*)(0x400004) = 3;
     *(volatile uint32_t*)(0x400004) = 0;

   return 0;
BrunoLevy commented 2 years ago

Hello, Your configuration and program looks correct to me, Which commands did you run ? For running the example:

  $ cd FemtoRV
  $ make IceStick  (this will synthesize and send the bitstream to the device)
  $ make hello.prog (this will compile the program and send the binary to SPI flash)
  $ cd ../../
  $ make terminal (or use your favorite terminal emulator, at 115200 bauds)

Hope this helps, Best, -- Bruno

r1cebank commented 2 years ago

Hello, thanks for the quick reply.

Yes, thats the commands i used to build the core and the program. The LED works but nothing is printed on the serial USB

BrunoLevy commented 2 years ago

There could be several reasons:

r1cebank commented 2 years ago

Hi, I've already checked the device for the icestick and made sure I am using the correct one ttyUSB1, the terminal emulators I've tried are screen picocom.

I tried running step18.v as instructed, and check the serial output, the LED blinks rapidly for a while and goes off but nothing is printed in the terminal.


BrunoLevy commented 2 years ago

I don't have any other idea. Just in case, I'd try with ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB2 (but you probably tryed already...) Could be also a question of permissions ? Or udev rules ? (but obviously programming the device works, so probably not).

Mecrisp commented 2 years ago

Maybe try to toggle DTR which is connected to reset line?

BrunoLevy commented 2 years ago

miniterm --dtr=0 ttyUSB0 115200 maybe ?

r1cebank commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the sugesstions, I've tried miniterm --dtr=0 ttyUSB0 11520 as well since its one of the option in the Makefile. I'll do some my own digging.

wohlbier commented 1 year ago

Hi @r1cebank did you get this to work? For step 17 I'm seeing question marks written to the terminal. Is it supposed to be text?

edit: I'm seeing this for step 17. I'll try running step 18.

edit 2: for 18 I'm seeing what I think is correct. For step 17 I'm still not sure if I should be seeing letters like I do when running the simulation.

edit 3: I fixed my problem. I didn't have all of the necessary code in my implementation.

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