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Free compute, rentable big compute ... maybe with JupyterHub ... and maybe not. #31

Open MarkBruns opened 1 year ago

MarkBruns commented 1 year ago

It is interesting to look at the BinderHub architecture ... although one might ask, "Why bother?"

The whole Project Jupyter ecosystem is ... well ... sort of continually sorta justa little bit ad hokey or as we used to say "Under Construction* ... it understandably confuses a lot of new users ... but that's fine, ie it's not going to be like RedHat or Ubuntu with a sustainable revenue model with employees who are specifically paid to ensure that the documentation is complete and that issues are immediately responded to [or ELSE the sustainable revenue stream dries up] ... Project Jupyter ecosystem more of an evolving adhocracy that is pretty damned decent at what it does, much like an almost ready-for-prime-time-but-still-fundraising-and-crowdfunding entity like Wikipedia.

Basically if you want to use Jupyter Notebook, then just use a STABLE good ol' Jupyter Notebook ... unless you really need the complications, you probably want to [AVOID the frustrations of the next-generation JupyterLab notebook interface

If you want to control the activities of multiple users, in something like a class or some sort of corporate learning group, who can sort of use their own Jupyter Notebooks, but must do it in encapsulated, managed environment in something approaching a managed classroom as a virtual environment ... in that case, JupyterHub might be the best or most pedantic way to serve Jupyter notebooks for multiple users, depending upon what your definition of best is. Mostly, the use case for actually using JupyterHub is maybe rather narrow and can be seen as limited to or best for something like an pedantic classroom environment.