Bryan-Legend / metroidvania

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Design some Mini-Bosses in the design doc. #31

Open Bryan-Legend opened 2 years ago

redcap21 commented 2 years ago

I finished a mini boss.

Bryan-Legend commented 2 years ago

Frog Siblings (Blue and Red) Faction: Reptile Visual: Small toads (size of main character). One is blue, the other red.
Motivation: Protecting the domain of Toxic Tongue as guards. Size: Size of hero but square instead of rectangular.

Both do jump attacks that the player needs to dodge. Blue shoots out bubbles that go forward, float up, then pop. Hurting the player on contact. Red has fire breath that it shoots out in a short range for 2-4 seconds, giving area denial.

The player first encounters one of the siblings, than later encounters the other sibling, and finally encounters both at the same time. Later in the game, these siblings can move from being mini bosses to being normal enemies.

Bryan-Legend commented 2 years ago

Great start! I like the concept.

They need good names.

Let's use meters for sizes. Player is 2m tall. Specify size of bubble and fire breath. 60' cone?

The bubbles: specify that they can be hit by the player. Should they really float up?

Doing ballistic trajectory aim calculation with my jumping code is going to be tricky.

redcap21 commented 2 years ago

Frog Siblings (Hydro-Toad and Pyro-Toad) Faction: Reptile Visual: Small toads (size of main character). One is blue, the other red.
Motivation: Protecting the domain of Toxic Tongue as guards. Size: 2m x 2m .

Both do jump attacks that the player needs to dodge.

Blue shoots out bubbles that go forward 10 m and then up 15 m, float up, then pop. Hurting the player on contact. Only uses breath weapon while stationary.

Red has fire breath that it shoots out in a short range (15 m cone) for 2-4 seconds, giving area denial. Only uses breath weapon while stationary.

The player first encounters one of the siblings, than later encounters the other sibling, and finally encounters both at the same time. Later in the game, these siblings can move from being mini bosses to being normal enemies.

redcap21 commented 2 years ago

Added Names Added range of breath weapon. Added clarification that the breath weapons are only used when the siblings are grounded and not jumping. Thus we don't need to do ballistic trajectory aim calculations.

Regarding bubble breath weapon, perhaps it is a single bubble that bounces around the room for 8 seconds before popping.

Bryan-Legend commented 2 years ago

Sorry about the language in that. :)

Honestly my enemy AI is a total train wreck. I've barely got a handful of enemy types working.

I've got plenty to work on so this design work is not the top priority. Let's pause it for now.