BryanChi / BryanChi-FX-Devices

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Add var names #11

Closed AntoineBalaine closed 1 year ago

AntoineBalaine commented 1 year ago


For this one, I just assigned a variable name to the repetitions of Trk[TrkID]. Reason is that it’s a little clearer what it does, and also it makes it potentially easier to refactor in the future: say you’d want to separate the Trk variable from the array containing all tracks (Trk is a named table, array of tracks would be a number-indexed array), it becomes easier when you don’t have to chase down 500 instances of the same call in the sheet.

The use of a variable instead of direct access doesn’t change anything for the internal values of the table: the new variable is just a reference to the old table.

That’s all I can figure out for now…

BryanChi commented 1 year ago

Hey Tony, Hope you're having a good time! Not sure if this will reach you but i just want to check if you would like me to merge this PR?

AntoineBalaine commented 1 year ago

Hey Bryan,

So far so good, other than the 6 hour jetlag and sleepless night on the plane XD

Let’s close the PR, the changes aren’t super important and they’re going to cause issues, since I’ve not tested it with the new changes.

I want to say congratulations on the move to your own reapack, you did really well in adapting to github and discovering all those new things - I’m sure it’s going to be much more straight forward to attract other contributors to the project, and I’m super looking forward for everything that FXD  holds in store for us.


BryanChi commented 1 year ago

Thank you! Couldn't have been possible without a kind and patient teacher like you! I'll try to bother you less and let you enjoy the vacation 😆