BryanCrotaz / blender-artnet

Blender script to push artnet data to Evee lights
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Can't get connected #2

Closed MMagneson closed 3 years ago

MMagneson commented 4 years ago

Great initiative!

I got this going with an MA onPC yesterday, but today it seems like it won't connect for some reason. I can imagine this being due to multiple ethernet interfaces on the computer. Would it be possible to list the interface currently being used by Blender somwhere?

I also had some issues seemingly related to scaling values yesterday, but I'll make a pull request once I figure that bit out.

BryanCrotaz commented 4 years ago

It's binding to all ethernet interfaces:

UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 6454

So I'm not sure why it wouldn't connect. You'll need to tell MA where to send the Artnet universe - you should be able to use any IP address bound to one of your adaptors.

MMagneson commented 4 years ago

Thank you, I got it working again now by setting the UDP IP to to lock it to the MA output IP. It might be an issue in the system as MA sees 5 interfaces including the loopback (I have 3 physical).

There also is some confusion in the universe numbering, as MA/artnetominator uni 1 is uni 2 in Blender. I think there is a difference in QLC and MA in handling Art-Net (1-based vs 0-based).

BryanCrotaz commented 4 years ago

The Artnet spec gives numbering starting at 1 I think - that's why I did it that way

BryanCrotaz commented 4 years ago

I got it working again now by setting the UDP IP to

You set that in the blender code, or in MA? You should only have to set it in MA. The blender code binds to which means it will accept data on any IP interface on this computer including

MMagneson commented 4 years ago

I set it in the Blender code. Before doing that I also got a warning about using multiple addresses/sockets from Windows in the console.

BryanCrotaz commented 4 years ago

That's odd - I've used it successfully on Windows 10

BryanCrotaz commented 4 years ago

Try using to list all the interfaces, and instead of one socket binding to, create a socket for each network interface.

BryanCrotaz commented 4 years ago

Happy to accept a PR if you can fix this

BryanCrotaz commented 4 years ago

@hesse2 did you get this working?

BryanCrotaz commented 3 years ago

Try the new version 1.4 too.