BryanWilhite / Blog

My source files for my technical Blog entries—an 11ty-based fire hose 🚒 for a static web site
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mass-edit migrated entries #14

Closed BryanWilhite closed 4 years ago

BryanWilhite commented 5 years ago

continuing on from #13 with:

BryanWilhite commented 5 years ago

CodePen embeds need to be replaced:

Search "class=\"codepen\"" (8 hits in 6 files)
  BlogEntry\angular-js-1-x-code-penning-my-way-to-a-new-blog-layout.json (3 hits)
    Line 3:   "Content": "<p>There are three CodePen presentations I have written that take me step-by-step to a new layout for this Blog. First, I start with <a href=\"\">the basic layout</a> (something just beyond Photoshop):</p><p data-height=\"268\" data-theme-id=\"0\" data-slug-hash=\"raVaxL\" data-default-tab=\"result\" data-user=\"rasx\" class=\"codepen\">See the Pen <a href=\"\">Songhay Studio: Day Path Index Layout</a> by Bryan Wilhite (<a href=\"\">@rasx</a>) on <a href=\"\">CodePen</a>.</p><p>Then, I <a href=\"\">‘pen’ the live JSON payload</a> that will drive the Blog index:</p><p data-height=\"268\" data-theme-id=\"0\" data-slug-hash=\"XJYJye\" data-default-tab=\"result\" data-user=\"rasx\" class=\"codepen\">See the Pen <a href=\"\">Songhay Studio: Day Path Index JSON</a> by Bryan Wilhite (<a href=\"\"...
    Line 3:   "Content": "<p>There are three CodePen presentations I have written that take me step-by-step to a new layout for this Blog. First, I start with <a href=\"\">the basic layout</a> (something just beyond Photoshop):</p><p data-height=\"268\" data-theme-id=\"0\" data-slug-hash=\"raVaxL\" data-default-tab=\"result\" data-user=\"rasx\" class=\"codepen\">See the Pen <a href=\"\">Songhay Studio: Day Path Index Layout</a> by Bryan Wilhite (<a href=\"\">@rasx</a>) on <a href=\"\">CodePen</a>.</p><p>Then, I <a href=\"\">‘pen’ the live JSON payload</a> that will drive the Blog index:</p><p data-height=\"268\" data-theme-id=\"0\" data-slug-hash=\"XJYJye\" data-default-tab=\"result\" data-user=\"rasx\" class=\"codepen\">See the Pen <a href=\"\">Songhay Studio: Day Path Index JSON</a> by Bryan Wilhite (<a href=\"\"...
    Line 3:   "Content": "<p>There are three CodePen presentations I have written that take me step-by-step to a new layout for this Blog. First, I start with <a href=\"\">the basic layout</a> (something just beyond Photoshop):</p><p data-height=\"268\" data-theme-id=\"0\" data-slug-hash=\"raVaxL\" data-default-tab=\"result\" data-user=\"rasx\" class=\"codepen\">See the Pen <a href=\"\">Songhay Studio: Day Path Index Layout</a> by Bryan Wilhite (<a href=\"\">@rasx</a>) on <a href=\"\">CodePen</a>.</p><p>Then, I <a href=\"\">‘pen’ the live JSON payload</a> that will drive the Blog index:</p><p data-height=\"268\" data-theme-id=\"0\" data-slug-hash=\"XJYJye\" data-default-tab=\"result\" data-user=\"rasx\" class=\"codepen\">See the Pen <a href=\"\">Songhay Studio: Day Path Index JSON</a> by Bryan Wilhite (<a href=\"\"...
  BlogEntry\angular-js-1-x-grouping-and-sorting-json-driven-sets-with-underscore-js.json (1 hit)
    Line 3:   "Content": "<p>The <a href=\"\">Angular JS documentation</a> on <code>orderBy</code> surprisingly has all the information I need to sort data. It even shows how the <code>reverse</code> argument can be assigned to a variable. This allowed me to write markup like this:</p><pre xml:space=\"preserve\">\n&lt;div data-ng-repeat=\"i in groups | orderBy: 'groupName' : vm.indexGroupingSelected.sortDescending \"&gt;…&lt;/div&gt;\n    </pre><p>When I use the variable <code>vm</code>, I am conventionally telling myself (because I’m a Microsoft, <em>MVVM</em> guy) that I am using my Angular <em>View Model</em> in Controller Scope (<code>$scope.vm</code>). Since I would like to follow my conventions, it would make sense to have <code>data-ng-repeat=\"i in vm.groups… \"</code> but I’ve found that Angular does not see “dotted” objects in <code>ng-repeat</code> (there may be some 1.x release after <code>1.2.6 taco-salsafication</code> that fixes this)—so I h
  BlogEntry\embedding-code-pen-and-github-content-in-an-angular-template.json (1 hit)
    Line 3:   "Content": "<p>My desire to make my notes public and still useful (to me) led me to embedding Code Pen and GitHub “gists” in my entries. This embedding stuff used to be drop-dead simple on every other Blog platform—but now, since I am building my own thing, my technology mix (yet again) has hit a bit of a brick wall. My current Blog platform is based on Angular JS—and by default Angular “sanitizes” the HTML it displays. This means it will not, by default, display embedding.</p><p>The solution to this problem is in <a href=\"\">my Code Pen</a> below:</p><p data-height=\"268\" data-theme-id=\"0\" data-slug-hash=\"xGaXrN\" data-default-tab=\"result\" data-user=\"rasx\" class=\"codepen\">See the Pen <a href=\"\">Embedding Code Pen and GitHub Content in an Angular Template</a> by Bryan Wilhite (<a href=\"\">@rasx</a>) on <a href=\"\">CodePen</a>.</p><p>K. Scott Allen covers the Angular theory
  BlogEntry\my-angular-js-1-x-single-page-layout.json (1 hit)
    Line 3:   "Content": "<p>I’ve invested the time. I’m walking away with <a href=\"\">a Code Pen</a> that represents my strategy for handling layout for the single-page Web apps I’ll be building for at least the next three years (or when I move the Songhay System out of the ECMAScript-5 timeframe).</p><p>As usual, my layout is simple:</p><pre xml:space=\"preserve\">\n&lt;body data-ng-app=\"rxApp\"&gt;\n    &lt;div data-ng-controller=\"clientController\"&gt;\n        &lt;rx-header&gt;&lt;/rx-header&gt;\n        &lt;div data-ng-view=\"\"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;\n        &lt;rx-footer&gt;&lt;/rx-footer&gt;\n    &lt;/div&gt;\n&lt;/body&gt;\n    </pre><p>So it’s quite clear that <code>rx-header</code> and <code>rx-footer</code> are the Angular directives I’ll be building and certainly reusing. The big breakthrough with this simplicity is my use of a container-level controller, <code>clientController</code>, that observes (and automatically becomes the <code>$parent</code> of) any contr
  BlogEntry\songhay-studio-kintespace-com-design-notes.json (1 hit)
    Line 3:   "Content": "<p><strong>The layout.</strong> My latest design of will still be green (I would like to transition into more earth tones later—assuming there will be a “later.”) I assumed that this design would have to abandon <a href=\"\">the BiggestBox concept</a> that I promoted years ago. But it is now obvious to me that Bootstrap has a <code>max-width</code> ‘concept’ of 1170 px (for <code>.container</code>—which why we would need <code>.container-fluid</code> to avoid this limitation). By specifying a height in pixels for my <code>.container</code>, I get the box effect in the world of Bootstrap:</p><p data-height=\"268\" data-theme-id=\"0\" data-slug-hash=\"dPoPbV\" data-default-tab=\"result\" data-user=\"rasx\" class=\"codepen\">See the Pen <a href=\"\"> index layout</a> by Bryan Wilhite (<a href=\"\">@rasx</a>) on <a href=\"\">CodePen</a>.</p><p><st
  BlogEntry\why-does-firefox-have-such-poor-responsive-image-support.json (1 hit)
    Line 3:   "Content": "<p>Based on my research of a less than an hour, there are three ways to approach responsive image support:</p><ul><li>What Chris Coyier recommended last year: “<a href=\"\">If you’re just changing resolutions, use srcset.</a>”</li><li>Use the <code>picture</code> element (but Chris warns, “…if you go down the <code>&lt;picture&gt;</code> with explicit sources, the browser <strong>has to do exactly what you say</strong> and not make choices for itself”).</li><li>Use a polyfill (Chris recommends <a href=\"\">Picturefill</a>—with a caveat: “<a href=\"\">To Picturefill, or not to Picturefill</a>”).</li></ul><p>So, yeah, my information is from last year. However, the <code>srcset</code> page from <a href=\"\">today’s</a> is still telling a bleak story of corporate-sponsored 
BryanWilhite commented 5 years ago

this CodePen pattern indicates an embed is missing:

See the Pen <a href=''>Embedding Code Pen and GitHub Content in an Angular Template</a> by Bryan Wilhite
  (<a href=''>@rasx</a>) on <a href=''>CodePen</a>.

What is supposed to be there is this:

<iframe height="265" style="width: 100%;" scrolling="no" title="Embedding Code Pen and GitHub Content in an Angular Template" src=",result" frameborder="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true">
  See the Pen <a href=''>Embedding Code Pen and GitHub Content in an Angular Template</a> by Bryan Wilhite
  (<a href=''>@rasx</a>) on <a href=''>CodePen</a>.
BryanWilhite commented 4 years ago

manually check all occurrences of