BtbN / FFmpeg-Builds

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libfdk-aac missing on Windows #291

Closed dtristany closed 10 months ago

dtristany commented 10 months ago

I was going to download your release specifically because it's listed as having non-free enabled by and I saw and 50-vulkan on your scripts, which is the combination I'm after.

However, I can't find any of your windows releases with fdk-aac enabled.

BtbN commented 10 months ago

As you said yourself, libfdk makes ffmpeg nonfree, so a build of it can't be distributed. Hence you won't find any for download. You'll need to build one yourself.

dtristany commented 10 months ago

If you don't want to distribute it, that's your choice. Others are doing it, I just can't find a release with both vulkan and non-free.

BtbN commented 10 months ago

distributing a nonfree binary is actively breaking the GPL, so if you do that, you are risking legal consequences if someone decided to press them against you. And you're also actively insulting the work of the community. If you need a build with nonfree features, you need to produce it yourself. So I'm not sure what you're asking here. If you're asking me to break the GPL, the answer is no.