BtbN / FFmpeg-Builds

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Off Topic, but related... #337

Closed newcapricasean closed 4 months ago

newcapricasean commented 5 months ago

Is there a way to take this fdk-aac code here... Or the FDK-AAC code your build uses... To make an executable only for audio decoding and encoding?

I can make either a .dll or .exe, with that script there, but they only accept .dll input. I want it to be capable of inputting almost any format, but especially, avisynth served audio stream...

abrar71 commented 5 months ago

So Do you basically want a very small build of FFmpeg with only fdk_aac decoding/encoding support?

newcapricasean commented 5 months ago

In a manner of speaking... One that I can compile, with a script, that will get the most recent version of the FDK-AAC decode/encode library, but also have the ability of FFMPEG to import the audio from nearly any source, including avisynth & vapoursynth scripts...

However, that's not necessarily mandatory. I can just build FFMPEG, and use that. I just don't need everything inside FFMPEG. For video encoding, I use my own compiled x265 command line encoder in 8, 10, & 12 bit variants...

sergeevabc commented 4 months ago

Is there a Windows build here that is compiled with -c:a aac_at support?

BtbN commented 4 months ago

Given that at here stands for audiotoolbox, which is an Apple/OSX API, that seems highly unlikely.