BtbN / FFmpeg-Builds

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Fail running #338

Closed sombrowsky closed 3 months ago

sombrowsky commented 5 months ago

I remember at my issue: that I have deleted. I am not so firm in bash script programming. I tried to run the scripts: ./ win64 gpl-shared 6.1 and ./ win32 gpl-shared 6.1 within a Windows 11 bash with an installed docker. But every times these scripts ended with an error. I have new installed WSL and docker on Windows 11 but no other results occures. I used every time the scripts of the current git repository of

Today I tried to run these scripts again, but after I deleted the folder scripts.d/50-vulkan no errors occurs and then I could run the scripts ./ win64 gpl-shared 6.1 and ./ win32 gpl-shared 6.1 without problems. Could it be that some changings in vulkan script repos are not compatible to some configuration parameters?

BtbN commented 5 months ago

Works fine in all configurations for me. Without sharing any information, there's not much else I can tell you.

sombrowsky commented 5 months ago

My last findings: The Error occurs in script: scripts.d/50-vulkan/

4.005 + cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/ffbuild -DSHADERC_SKIP_TESTS=ON -DSHADERC_SKIP_EXAMPLES=ON -DSHADERC_SKIP_COPYRIGHT_CHECK=ON -DENABLE_EXCEPTIONS=ON -DENABLE_CTEST=OFF -DENABLE_GLSLANG_BINARIES=OFF -DSPIRV_SKIP_EXECUTABLES=ON -DSPIRV_TOOLS_BUILD_STATIC=ON -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF .. 4.118 -- The C compiler identification is GNU 13.2.0 4.207 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 13.2.0 4.243 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info 4.417 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done 4.440 -- Check for working C compiler: /opt/ct-ng/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc - skipped 4.441 -- Detecting C compile features 4.442 -- Detecting C compile features - done 4.466 -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info 4.661 -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done 4.700 -- Check for working CXX compiler: /opt/ct-ng/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-g++ - skipped 4.701 -- Detecting CXX compile features 4.703 -- Detecting CXX compile features - done 4.705 -- Shaderc: build type is "Release". 4.705 -- Configuring Shaderc to avoid building tests. 4.706 -- Configuring Shaderc to avoid building examples. 4.707 -- Configuring Shaderc to avoid checking copyrights. 4.711 -- asciidoctor was not found - no documentation will be generated 4.843 -- Found Python: /usr/bin/python3 (found version "3.11.6") found components: Interpreter 4.847 -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORTS_FALLTHROUGH_WARNING 4.953 -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORTS_FALLTHROUGH_WARNING - Success 4.955 -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORTS_EXTRA_SEMI_WARNING 5.075 -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORTS_EXTRA_SEMI_WARNING - Success 5.176 -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORTS_PIC 5.330 -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORTS_PIC - Success 5.332 CMake Error at third_party/CMakeLists.txt:80 (message): 5.332 SPIRV-Tools was not found - required for compilation 5.332 5.332 5.332 -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

if I remove scripts.d/50-vulkan/ and scripts.d/50-vulkan/ all scripts are running successful.

BtbN commented 5 months ago

Did you modify the scripts in any way? I can't reproduce the issues locally, and the CI is running just fine as well.

sombrowsky commented 5 months ago

No I dont modify the scripts. They was the scripts from original git repository

BtbN commented 5 months ago

I just did a full clean build of win32 nonfree/gpl again, and it succeeds just fine. Make sure you don't have any stale images around, clean out any cached and docker images.

sombrowsky commented 5 months ago

Before I run the script (only gpl-shared, not nonfree): ./ win64 gpl-shared 6.1

I removed the .cache -folder

I stopped and removed all container with: $ docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) $ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

I removed all images : $ docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)

And I removed all volumes, but it was the same result. I use a bash-shell (WSL) within a Windows11 Pro with a Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS subsystem

BtbN commented 5 months ago

That is win64, the log you provided was a win32 build. Not sure what to tell you. Make sure you're on the latest version and have no stale caches, and it'll just work. I tested all variants now, and they all work.

sombrowsky commented 5 months ago

Sorry, the script was: ./ win32 gpl-shared 6.1

I will do all for win64 with clean docker again, but I had the same result earlier. Is there another idea to solve the problem? I have also tested within a VirtualBox ubuntu-machine, there was the same result. I can use the builds without scripts.d/50-vulkan/ and scripts.d/50-vulkan/, but I have compiled a lot of versions before 12/2023 with good results. I used it for my free applications in my home page

Sorry, if I keep occupied your time

BtbN commented 5 months ago

Not sure what to tell you. The builds are 100% reproducible, and they build fine for me, and on CI. So the issue must be somehow local to you or something you have done.