BtbN / FFmpeg-Builds

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Build with librsvg #344

Closed tage64 closed 4 months ago

tage64 commented 4 months ago

Hello and thanks for this helpful repository!

Would it be possible to add the librsvg decoder to the build? I need a Windows executable with librsvg enabled and it seems very difficult to find an FFmpeg build for windows with that enabled.

Thanks, Tage

BtbN commented 4 months ago

librsvg has an absurd amount of dependencies and would single-handedly more than double the time and size of the build. So I decided against including it.

tage64 commented 4 months ago

Ok I see. Would it be possible to have an option to include librsvg? Or can you point me in the right direction how it could be done?

BtbN commented 4 months ago

librsvg itself has like 10 big dependencies itself, which all have at least a handful of dependencies on their own. Large parts of GNOME and glib. You'd have to write a build script for every single one of them, convince them to be statically linked, and put them in the right order.

tage64 commented 4 months ago

Ok, sad. I solved it with CairoSVG instead though which worked great.