BtbN / FFmpeg-Builds

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[REPOST TO] Speeding up video doesn't affect duration #369

Closed sdfdger closed 2 months ago

sdfdger commented 2 months ago

Posting here because disabled the Issue tab

setpts speeds up the video, but the duration stays the same. The rest of the video is the last frame.

Version: from "Latest Auto-Build (2024-04-30 12:51)"

ffmpeg -i "sampletext.mp4" -filter:v "setpts=PTS/10" "10x sampletext.mp4"

sampletext.mp4 10x sampletext.mp4

BtbN commented 2 months ago

Please direct user questions at the appropriate channels(#ffmpeg IRC or ffmpeg-user ML). These issues are for issues regarding these builds specifically.

sdfdger commented 2 months ago

Someone should repost this to

BtbN commented 2 months ago

trac is not a support channel either, and this does not look like any kind of bug to me.