BtbN / FFmpeg-Builds

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When building the debug version yourself, qsv is missing #384

Closed mycrl closed 2 weeks ago

mycrl commented 2 weeks ago
./ win64 nonfree-shared 4.4 debug

Using ffmpeg -codecs does not list h264_qsv

BtbN commented 2 weeks ago

libvpl is only supported since ffmpeg 6.0, so versions older than that won't be built with the qsv stuff enabled, debug or not.

mycrl commented 2 weeks ago

libvpl is only supported since ffmpeg 6.0, so versions older than that won't be built with the qsv stuff enabled, debug or not.

@BtbN But I used the ffmpeg4.4 build product in your release, and h264_qsv exists

BtbN commented 2 weeks ago

That must have been really old then. Intel has since abandoned the old libmfx, and it's not safe to use the old library anymore, for numerous unfixed potentially security relevant issues. Only libvpl is supported by Intel now. And only ffmpeg 6.0 and up support libvpl. In the past, when libmfx was still supported, 4.4 did support qsv.