BtbN / FFmpeg-Builds

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Update to the latest commit, after v2.1.1 #387

Closed MiKayule closed 6 days ago

MiKayule commented 6 days ago

This commit has passed the official pipeline

BtbN commented 6 days ago

It was updated a little over a week ago. What changed so drastically to need another update? I see nothing but cosmetic stuff in the commit log since. The CI failures look like just a OSX runner hickup to me.

MiKayule commented 6 days ago

I'm sorry that I didn't read the commit log carefully, just found it's still v2.1 but the latest is v2.1.1. I'm so sorry to have bothered you.

BtbN commented 6 days ago

The version number doesn't reflect much, given it's all straight from git. Though just to make people happy it might be worth setting it.