Bubb13 / EEex

An executable extender for Beamdog's Enhanced Edition of the Infinity Engine
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Saving Throws feedback #67

Open gatperdut opened 8 months ago

gatperdut commented 8 months ago

Hey Bubb, do you remember some discussion some months back about a component that'd display in-game console output about saving throws' numbers, what they were saving against/from who...?

I think there were some screenshots in Discord at some point; did it come to anything, in the end?

Bubb13 commented 8 months ago

Hey, that feature should be in the next major version, (when I finally get around to it). It's lurking in the current release though - you can enable it by unzipping the contents of the attached file into your override folder.


gatperdut commented 8 months ago

😍 that's awesome