Bubbet / Risk-Of-Rain-Mods

The source for all of my risk of rain mods, even ones not yet released.
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RiskUI/ZioRiskOfOptions Preventing game from loading #121

Closed L-Ratio closed 1 month ago

L-Ratio commented 1 month ago

Loading gets stuck at 100% with this error, this is the error it sends before freezing at 100%

Happens on latest version of both mods

RoR2 Happens on latest dlc update and the version before the dlc got added

[Error : Unity Log] MissingMethodException: string[] string.Split(char,System.StringSplitOptions) Stack trace: ZioConfigFile.ZioConfigFile.Reload () (at <69da143ccca340efb801abf51e9bd457>:0) ZioConfigFile.ZioConfigFile..ctor (Zio.FileSystems.FileSystem fileSystem, Zio.UPath path, System.Boolean saveOnInit, BepInEx.BepInPlugin bepInPlugin) (at <69da143ccca340efb801abf51e9bd457>:0) ZioConfigFile.ZioConfigFile..ctor (Zio.FileSystems.FileSystem fileSystem, Zio.UPath path, System.Boolean saveOnInit, BepInEx.BaseUnityPlugin unityPlugin) (at <69da143ccca340efb801abf51e9bd457>:0) MaterialHud.RiskUIPlugin.onLoad () (at <ba2323edd2d7428fa124398e647bd26e>:0) RoR2.RoR2Application+<InitializeGameRoutine>d__69.MoveNext () (at <78ca0507428e4dbea7a28fe14402f720>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <85d1d3e7744a4a47b5f51883bf40bba2>:0)

Bubbet commented 1 month ago

RiskUI is probably dead for awhile sots added a lot of new ui and i doubt i can get the unity project to open.