Bubbus / ACF-Missiles

Racked munitions for ACF
MIT License
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In-game messages say I have an old version although... #104

Open Guiep opened 6 years ago

Guiep commented 6 years ago

I get in-game messages telling me to download the new updated version and always redirects me here. However, when I re-download it it still tells me I should update the updated version. What am I doing wrong?

Bubbus commented 6 years ago

The version checker looks at a file in your addon folder and checks if it's newer than the last update.

This check only happens on the server and the players get told if the server is updated or not. So are you playing on a server, and is the server updated?

Check if this problem still happens in single-player mode. If so, follow these advanced debugging steps:

Guiep commented 6 years ago

Hello, thanks for responding. It does happen in singleplayer, most likely because I have ULX downloaded for singleplayer. I have checked init.luas properties and it does say that it was last updated on December 5th. However, this is what it says:

A newer version of ACF Missiles is available! (last updated 12/05/16) Update this server to the latest version at https://github.com/Bubbus/ACF-Missiles

Though, we run ACF missiles on a friends server and the messages do not appear on there. May just be my own personal problem/problem for singeplayer games with ULX installed. Either way, I again thank you for responding so quickly.

Bubbus commented 6 years ago

Alright, it's going to be difficult for me to diagnose the real cause of this problem for you if it's just happening in your singleplayer and nowhere else.

In this case I can help you to stop the messages by asking you to do this:

This will remove the version check from your singleplayer - I'm 90% sure you'll get a console error instead but it's less annoying. It should still work on multiplayer because servers are configured to give you that file if you don't have it.

It's not the best solution but I hope that helps. If I update this mod in future I'll take a closer look at the version checker then.